
Computers Can Not Have Minds

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Alan Turing, “father” of modern computers, created the Turing Machine in order to prove, through the use of an imitation game, that computers can think. John Searle argued that the Turing Test is simply just imitating, rather than thinking. Based on Searle’s argument against the Turing Test, I think that computers cannot have minds. Although Turing argues that computers can think, there are many arguments, such as Searle’s Chinese room argument, and defenses that I will present that support Searle and his belief that computers do not understand the information they simulate and cannot think. As stated above, the purpose of the Turing Machine is to prove that computers can think. A Turing Machine is composed of a scanner with a tape made of paper running through it. This paper tape is divided into squares. Each square on the tape contains a symbol, either a ‘0’ of a ‘1.’ The machine, along with two humans, will participate in an imitation game. Human A and the Turing Machine are hidden from view of Human B and have a conversation in order for Human B to try to determine which of the communicators is a robot, if either one is a robot. The machine’s goal is to trick Human B into thinking it (the machine) is the human. Turing states that if the machine is successful, then the machine does have a mind. Turing’s machine has the ability to answer any question presented to it, and Turing saw this ability as a sign of extreme intelligence. On the other hand, Searle argued that this

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