
Concert Report

Decent Essays

I remember first picking up the saxophone in 6th grade. Every concert and every practice session led up to this moment. Years of performances and trials shaping me into the best musician I can be. It all led up to this one audition, the audition for UNC Charlotte's music department. To do what I love for the rest of my life all rode on this one audition. The morning I woke up for my audition my eyes felt light. It was the first time in weeks I slept well and felt like I had some sort of energy in me. It was the day that would set a course for my entire trip through life. I got all my music together after getting ready, grabbed my saxophone, and drove off determined to play my best. My mom was driving so I took a nap on the way to conserve …show more content…

My heart was beating as I stood in the elevator waiting for my floor to come. The audition was on the 2nd floor in room 214. I stood outside the door 5 minutes early in hopes I might get in early. But as time passed it was 10:20 and pretty soon I was worried I had missed the room or went to the wrong place. Thankfully the judge came out and told me they were ready. The judges were all professors I had just previously spoke too except one. The marching band director was present along with the ones I spoke too which was good because I planned on trying for the marching band scholarship during this audition. I had a short talk with them explaining what I was playing as well as why I was auditioning at their school. The time came for me to play, I took a breath, relaxed every inch of my body the best I could, and got lost in the music. I forgot anyone was even there, I was so focused on my craft and what was coming out of my saxophone it didn't matter who was in the room, I was there to make music. I entered a state of bliss almost forgetting I was in an audition. After playing my first piece the judges looked pleasantly surprised. What they didn't know was that the first piece I played was the easy one. Now was time for the big moment, my big finale. Three pages of music and preparation to show off to a room full of musicians with a skillset I dream to have. One more first breath, relax, enter a state of bliss, and play. Each

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