
Concrete Angel Analysis

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Concrete Angel Analysis In Martina McBride’s Concrete Angel, we have the story of a young girl who is being abused by her mother. According to McBride, this is a true story based on her niece who was abused by her mother (McBride’s sister) and killed at the young age of 7. Child Abuse in recent years has been overshadowed by minor issues in today’s society. But the issue still exists; the sad thing is that these abusers are admitting they hurt children or even their own child and they have no remorse for it. It appears child abuse has gotten worse over the years but it is being ignored and no one talks about it anymore. In 2008 when the song Concrete Angel was released the writers of the song Rob Crosby and Stephanie Bently wanted to really go in depth with the lyrics of the song because at the time child abuse had been spreading all over the world. McBride, the producer, and performer also had a connection to this song because it tells of a personal experience she’s had with her family.
In the video, the little girl named Angela Carter was trying to deal with her alcoholic mother, though it is not evident the mother is using alcohol but is seen smoking a cigarette in a room while the little girl heads off to school. The audience is led to believe the woman has some sort of depression and may be using alcohol. Angela goes to school wearing bruises and the same dress she wore the day before symbolizing that overall, she is not being taken care of in any way. The teacher and

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