
Conformity Makes People Conform

Decent Essays

Conformity entails altering one’s behavior so that it conforms to the surrounding individuals. The social influence involves either agreeing with or behaving like other members of a certain group. It is acting in a manner that is perceived to be “normal” by the rest of the group. Conformity entails yielding to the societal or group pressures and is common with most people a lot of times. Psychologists have given different reasons that make people conform. Social conformity occurs because of influence from others.
Solomon Asch, a famous psychologist, conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to complete a simple perceptual task. When they were asked for the answer individually, most participants gave the correct answer. However, …show more content…

In some cases, it occurs with people’s knowledge of others, it happens without much of a person’s awareness. In some instances, an individual will do things that they do not agree with or even behave in ways they know are unjust. People go along with a group even when it is clear to them that the group is doing the wrong things. Cialdini and Goldstein (2004), are contemporary scholars who make a great contribution to understanding the theory of social conformity. They gave two major reasons that make people conform, namely the normative influence, which stems from a strong urge to gain rewards, follow the rules and avoid punishments. This makes a person get along with others by doing what they do even when he or she does not agree with it, to be liked by them. It entails following the norms. Cialdini and Goldstein stated that normative conformity occurs when a person changes or even modifies his or her behavior to fit in a group. The second one entails informational influence which occurs when a person changes his or her behavior to be correct. This occurs during situations where people are uncertain about what is correct and do what others are doing. In most cases, one looks at a person they perceive to be knowledgeable and imitates them. It entails agreeing with the judgments made by another person who is perceived to be highly intelligent. Informative conformity occurs when a person does not have the knowledge and looks for direction and information from another the

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