
Consequences Of The Stolen Generation

Decent Essays

It is commonly claimed that Aboriginal children were stolen away from their decent, loving families, as an intentional government policy done for racist reasons and not for any legitimate purpose, but instead, to ‘breed out the black.’ The truth however, is that this just did not happen, or at least it did not happen in the way it is described to have occurred. The problem with the Stolen Generations theory is that childhood recollections constitute the only credible evidence provided to make the case. But no amount of childhood anecdotes can establish the argument’s central proposition that the intentions of the authorities were both criminal and racist. These accusations are embedded in the words Stolen, meaning that the removals were deliberately intended to achieve an illegal result, and generations meaning that a particular line of people were targeted across successive age cohorts. The childhood memories of individuals are not enough to establish that the government had such intent. If you were to ask a person today who was taken from their family as a young child because of allegations of abuse, how would they have viewed that at that time? They would have lacked the understanding to properly know why this had happened. The idea of the stolen generations started in 1981, when a white academic, Peter Read, made the proposal that there was a policy to abduct Aboriginal children. Before this pernicious rumour began, nobody had ever heard of anyone stealing children

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