Explain what constitutes the physical and psychological needs of a three year old child.
Explain how these needs can ideally be met in a childcare settingDefine physical needs * Briefly define what is meant by physical needs, including exercise and rest, diet, health and safety * Identify the specific physical needs of a three year old.Give a full explanation of the steps carers should ideally take to fulfil these physical needs. * Consider for example, how you could provide for gross and fine motor skills. Also think about safety issues (such as appropriate clothing for specific weather conditions), access to fresh air and ventilation in classrooms, opportunities for rest, etc. * Give practical examples of what a
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This can be done by relating a healthy diet to activities which the child enjoys and recognizes. If a child asks why they should eat broccoli, one can answer by explaining that eating broccoli gives you more energy to run and jump. Because playing is an activity which children tend to enjoy, they will then relate the healthy food choice of ‘broccoli’ with pleasure. At all times a child ‘must be supported in developing and understanding of the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food’(EYFS (2007) in Macleod – Brudenell, 2008, p70)
What also should to be considered by a practitioner are the different physical needs of each child. When proposing a balanced diet, allergies, religions, or different diet choices should be taken into account. Eczema is an example of a condition which can be triggered by dietary choices. This condition can have an effect on a child's physical well-being and therefore food products which promote eczema will have to be identified and supplemented for in a child prone to eczema outbreaks. If a child's eczema is triggered by dairy products, one can consider using alternatives which will also provide nutrition's to the child. This is just a simple example, but it is clear that there are many alternative food products which can be used to promote good health in children. The practitioner must understand and know their
Evaluation of Research Into Factors that Influence the Development of Attachments in Humans During First Year of Life
An infant’s attachment style is that of security and attachment to their guardian and using the guardian as a security model for exploration. The guardians of attachment tend to be receptive and cognoscente to their emotions so they can be explorative. In the same way these adult styles are similar their attachment method is available when they have a secure base. The attachment needs are quintessential.
Many children lack micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Fresh food is their best source of nutrition. Children who eat vegetables and less fried food gain bone mass but not fat. Allergies can affect the nutritional state of a child, if they are not receiving the correct nutrients. Some children, normally under the age of six, insist on eating foods prepared and presented in certain ways only. This concept is known as “just right.” At middle childhood or between the ages of six to eleven, there is slower growth than during early childhood, yet the threat of obesity is still
Each of these domains I have written about come together in order to create one normally functioning and developing baby boy named Liam. Quite a few connections can be made between the domains: attachment, cognitive development, language development, motor skill development, and temperament. One connection can be made between attachment and cognitive development, because, “On cognitive tasks, the securely attached children have scored higher on measures of persistence and self-reliance” (Crain, 2011, p. 63). This is true in Liam’s case because he is both securely attached and persistent. Another connection can be made between attachment and language/communication development, because when an infant is beginning to speak their first words, “The parent and baby…have been practicing communicative exchanges for many months,” due to attachment as well as play (Davies, 2011, p. 158). Even though Liam is not speaking words yet, Sheila and Derek have been and are continuing to teach him what will be his first words. This is done through the repeated labeling of objects and actions used in ordinary conversations that occur every day between them and with Liam. A final connection, and perhaps the largest connection, can be made between motor development, cognitive development,
Explain what constitutes the physical and psychological needs of a three year old child. Explain how these needs can ideally be met in a childcare setting.
However, I aspire to change the game in eating for a suitably fitting lifestyle. I hope for kids to grow up eating supplementary vegetables, fruits and snacks rich in protein, carboyhdrates and fats that are cheap yet filling. Therefore, I want to first focus on familiarizing myself with what children choose to eat and why they desire to eat it. Through gathered data I hope to advise a plan for children to be in tip top shape. Throughout the community, I can publicise the
and mental health diagnoses, reduce the risk of labor complications, and increase the child’s intelligence (Dailey, 2009; Berk, 2012; Parke & Gauvain, 2009). While all support provides benefit for pregnant women, trained support and experienced support providers have a greater impact (Parke & Gauvain, 2009).
What also should to be considered by a practitioner are the different physical needs of each child. When proposing a balanced diet, allergies, religions, or different diet choices should be taken into account. Eczema is an example of a condition which can be triggered by dietary choices. This condition can have an effect on a child's physical well-being and therefore food products which promote eczema will have to be identified and supplemented for in a child prone to eczema outbreaks. If a child's eczema is triggered by dairy products, one can consider using alternatives which will also provide nutrition's to the child. This is just a simple example, but it is clear that there are many alternative food products which can be used to promote good health in children. The practitioner must understand and know their options, when creating a balanced diet for a child in the nursery setting.
The primal importance of a child's bond to its mother has captivated people for thousands of years, written about by ancient playwrights like Sophocles, modern day writers like Esther Freud and current day proprietors such as Oprah Winfrey. It is a topic that continues to draw attention with psychologists and researchers devoting time, research and suppositions to understanding it and the importance it holds in the development of offspring. It is well established that children require a consistent and dependable
This study is important because it suggest attachment styles developed in early childhood may provide children a set of beliefs about themselves, others and the nature of relationships. Therefore, children who are securely or insecurely attached are more likely to have similar relationships in the future.
It is incredibly difficult to choose only a single observation that helped my understanding of concepts discussed in class, as I think it was the accumulation and intertwining of experiences and reflection that best aided me in wrapping my mind around ideas of developmental psychology. However, if I am forced to choose a singular event I would have to choose the witnessing of the girl’s response to her mother upon arrival.
Healthy eating is the step that youth should take to keep a well fit body. Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children (Nutrition Environment, 2015). Many children are facing problematic health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and more because of not eating well. Following a daily routine of getting 3 meals a day and drinking lots of water can be a jump start for children. It will not be an easy process at first but will take a little time and patience for everything to become natural to a child. It is very important that parent or guardian make healthy choices appealing. Starting at home will help create healthy eating habit. These habits transfer from home to school where teacher continue to help children understand how important it is to stay
This child observation will draw on a child developmental theory to discuss the activities of the child I have observed. I will comment on the child’s physical growth and development, cognitive abilities, health, social relationships and emotional wellbeing. I will also look at the child’s interaction with other children and adults , in order to appreciate the child’s development and account for differences and similarities as proffered by my chosen theory of Attachment.
Nutrition during childhood and adolescence is essential for growth and development, health and well-being (David Just; Christopher Lynch). All children need to eat healthy in order to grow, learn, build strong muscles, and maintain a healthy weight and diet. Nutrition for children is similarly related to the principles of adult nutrition. Everyone needs the proper
Working as a preschool teacher, I have first hand experience developing trust and attachments with young children, infants and toddlers. A young child first day is often overwhelming with fear. My job as teacher is to ensure the child that I can be trusted and fulfill all of their needs. As the caregiver, developing a secure attachment is essential to the child and parents as well. The parents want to feel a sense of security from the teachers. To reflect on a past experience, I had a one-year-old toddler came to school for the first time. The child cried, kicked and screamed for 30 minutes after mom and dad left. During the day, the child cried during different transitions. After a week or so, we, child and I, developed a strong attachment.