
Conspiracy Theory

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Investigating the Belief in Conspiracy Theories: Happiness, Curiosity, and Fantasy Proneness Conspiracy theories appear to be popularised as a result of the tension and complexities of our contemporary and globalized society (Aupers, 2012). News headlines are scattered with topics that feed into societal government mistrusts, such as President Trump’s endorsement of a conspiracist mindset (Radford, 2016). For example, Trump has appeared in the media talking about the conspiracy’s surrounding the confiscation of guns in America, the death of Antonin Scalia, Obama’s birthplace, and perhaps more worrisome is Trump’s claims about childhood vaccinations linking to autism (Radford, 2016). Moreover, media networks continually highlight terrorist conspiracies …show more content…

Hofstadter’s theory the Paranoid Style is chiefly grounded in psychological and socio-political origins and addresses the role of paranoia and conspiracy theories. The term Paranoid Style was used to suggest that relatively normal people evoke the traits of “heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy” (Hofstadter, 1965, p. 3). He implies that the difference between paranoid style and clinical paranoia is that of a mindset that is against oneself compared to that of the culture or society at large. Hofstadter (1965) argued that powerless and disadvantaged individuals drew comfort from conspiracy theories particularly when faced with a crisis. Likewise, recent research suggests that conspiracies are psychologically appealing and persuasive because they offer a sense of control in times of uncertainty and fear (Radford, 2016). At the basic level of conspiracies, there is a desire to make sense of what it is that threatens society and its cultures (Knight, 2003). However, we must take into account the different guises and diverse functions conspiracy theories pertain …show more content…

Some of the underlying factors investigated in past studies have largely focussed on personality and attitude correlates of conspiracy (Van der Linden, 2015) and the associations they have with psychopathology such as maladaptive personality traits (Swami, Weis, Lay, Barron, & Furnham, 2016). In addition, a range of normal dissociative states to extreme states is associated with conspiracy beliefs (Darwin, Neave, & Holmes, 2011). For example, an international sample of 447 adults showed that schizotypy, odd beliefs, magical thinking and paranoid ideation were positively associated with conspiracy beliefs (Barron, Morgan, Towell, Altemeyer, & Swami, 2014). Moreover, correlational studies have found significant relationships between conspiracy ideation and two of the factors in the Big Five personality traits (openness to experience and agreeableness; c. f. Swami, Chamorro-Premuzic, & Furnham,

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