The Constitution and the Bill of Rights use separation of powers and checks and balances to limit the control of the federal government. The Constitution was written in Philadelphia and the Bill of Right was drafted in New York City. James Madison worked with the delegates, but was the main author of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Delegation finished the Constitution in May 1787. The Constitution was a new system of shared government that divided power into three branches. This division of authority prevented one part of the government from becoming too powerful. The divisions were called articles. The most important articles are I-III. Article I created a legislative branch. It describes the organization of Congress. In addition, it's the only branch that can make the laws. Also, the Vice President is a member of Congress and serves as the head of the Senate. He can vote when there is a tie. Article ll created an executive branch. The Executive branch is the only branch that can enforce the law. The President is the head of the this branch and the President is the only one who can make treaties with …show more content…
Federalists didn’t so much want a dominant central government over everyone. But Federalists also worried that a weak central government was ineffective. The Antifederalists feared that too much power in the government’s hands would lead to abuse and corruption. They wanted the states to have more of the power to govern people. John Adams, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were Federalist’s leaders. James Madison who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights was both a Federalist and a President for two terms. Federalists thought the Bill of Rights was unnecessary but because The Anti-Federalists refused to support the Constitution without a Bill of Rights, the Federalists included it in order to help get the States to agree to the
In the year of 1787, delegates met in Philadelphia to write the constitution. Tyranny, a type of government with an absolute ruler, was a fear. Central and State governments are Madison’s compound of government. The two governments are federalism and federalism guards against federalism by giving each government equal powers (Document A). James Madison wanted to make the three (legislative, executive, and judicial) branches to have equal power.
The constitution was created in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the year 1787 by 55 delegates from 12 states who wanted to fix
Article III is the Judicial Branch, the Supreme Court interprets the federal law, interpreted by the judges in the Supreme Court. With that being stated each branch has to be independent to their responsibility in that system. Why, it's like that goes back in 1788, when the farmers had a strong feeling that if one branch held to much power that branch could overthrow the government. Therefore, they built a constitutional system and foundation to set some principles and structure. By each branch having some power within their class it makes it a fair constitutional game. Checks and Balances makes the Separation Of Powers a whole. Meaning that each branch has some degree of power over the other all three branches share some authority. Just so that branch does not have to much empire to do anything irrational. Each branch would check up with the other branches, though each branch has some authority that all have to abide with the other two branches. For example, if the commander of chief who is Obama wants to fund a election of some sort he would need money. He would the have to ask Congress for the funding money. They could either accept or deny the legislature authorization. The
The Anti-Federalists feared a strong central government because it might become corrupt and they would live under tyranny again just like under the British. The Anti-Federalists included prominent political leaders such as James Winthrop, Patrick Henry, and George Mason. They wanted to limit government power and saw that the Constitution made the central government too strong. Without a Bill of Rights to include protection for individual liberties, they felt at risk for
The first three Articles of the Constitution each creates a branch. Article I creates the legislative branch, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate (Congress), and is in charge of creating the laws. Article II establishes the executive branch, which consists of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet and whose job is to execute the laws made by Congress. Article III creates the judicial Branch, which has the supreme court, courts of appeal, district courts, and other specific courts such as family courts and interprets the laws when they are broken, or declares laws unconstitutional. All three of these branches do their own job, as well as work together to create the national government that is strong, but is not too strong as to be one person or group leading.
There were 12 states that got together for devising the new constitution of the country. There were also some important people involved in that process. There were two separate groups, some of them were accepting the bill of right. James Madison was one of
The United States Constitution was structured to guard against tyranny by dividing power between central and state governments, creating three branches with different responsibilities and
The federalists favored a strong central government because they believed that if the states had too much power the government wouldn’t be able to protect the rights of the citizens. Alexander Hamilton, leader of the federalists, believed in a loose constitution, taking action on whatever the people wanted as long as it wasn’t listed in the constitution. Federalists concluded that the United States should be able to manufacture and trade. The federalists were strong in New England and had support from the northern east, they supported the Britain with whom they traded with.
Article I of the U.S Constitution create the legislative branch, which creates the laws of the land. Article II of the Constitution creates the executive branch, which enforces the laws. The judicial branch is created in Article III of the Constitution. This branch provides interpretation of the laws and has the power to review and decide cases involving states rights.
This mainly talks about what powers the President and Vice President have during their time in office. The Article also talks about how the president and the rest of the branch have powers to veto or accept new laws. Framers had to write detailed descriptions for what the President can do, or else one of the President’s could have done what he wanted and made a dictatorship out of our country. But they also trusted each president with power, and they allow them to make new laws in order to better the country.
The Constitution was originally called the Virgina Plan and was wrote by James Madison. It then went to the Constitutional convention and was modified by fifty-five delegates ordered by George Washington. The Constitution was first signed by William Jackson, and there was thirty-nine more people who followed in Jackson's steps. There were twelve states that sent people to the convention. Rhode Island did not send anyone to the convention.
One of the most important principles incorporated in the U.S. Constitution is separation of powers. The U.S. Constitution divided the central government into three branches and created a system of checks and balances as a way to prevent the concentration of power. “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” In order to be sure that the main
It states that congress is made of two houses. The Legislative Branch is made up of congress which is The House of Representatives and The Senate. Article one goes into detail about how the members of The House and The Senate are chosen and what rules they must follow. It also states that the Legislative Branch has all lawmaking authority. Article two of the constitution describes the Executive Branch of the government.
Article I of the Constitution gives all legislative powers to the Congress. Congress consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, both Senators and Representatives chosen through an
The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787 at the Constitutional Convention, where it was held in Philadelphia. It was written by a group of people known as “Farmers,” or the “Founding Fathers,” and few of the most famous Founding Fathers were George Washington (The first president of the USA), Thomas Jefferson (The first vice president and the third president of the USA) James Madison (The fourth president of the USA), Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. The old government, the Articles of Confederation was not working as it supposed to be, it was vulnerable and cannot secure and defend the new born nation and for that reason the constitution of the united states saw the light.