
Consumer Culture And Contemporary Childhood Agency

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Sociologists have looked at consumption theories primarily through adult relationships of production and consumption. By introducing children as consumers, it is opens up a wide range of areas to study their influence on consumer culture. It is evident through the child’s relationship with their parents, money, identity, and social relations that children have a crucial role in consumption patterns. New marketing and advertising techniques have been introduced accordingly, further emerging the child consumer and their influence on the economy. The child’s relationship with technological devices opens them up to a world of advertisements and marketing ploys made just for them. The idea of consumer culture and contemporary childhood agency have been interwoven and then becomes questioned whether it is benefitical to children or not. This develops concern in many parents as they feel as though they should be protecting their children from these influences. This paper will address the issue of children as ‘passive’ or ‘active’ consumers and whether their participation in consumerism is useful to them. The development of the child consumer begins with the expecting mother as advertisers, marketers, designers and retailers look to capture the attention of mothers to set their children up as consumers before they are even born. Expecting mothers are bombarded with advertising and marketing schemes to start the child’s consumption patterns. An example of this being the gifts given

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