
Consumer Protection : A Critique Of European Consumer Contract Law

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Referee report for the article
Regulatory Techniques in Consumer Protection: A Critique of European Consumer Contract Law
By Bar-Gill and Ben-Shahar

Brief Summary
The article mainly talks about the four methods which are widely used as the consumer protection techniques in European Contract Law. By individually discussing every technique in law aspect as well as the evaluation of the author, this article lets the readers know the content in a very clear format. There are introduction and conclusion at the beginning and the end of the paper which also provides the logical thinking of the author and made it much easier for the readers to get the idea of the whole paper.
These four categories for consumer protection techniques in European …show more content…

It is clear from the title and also goes deeply in each aspect of the argument.
With this purpose, the two authors illustrate their criticism by analysing the four main techniques according to the current situation. Overall, the article gives the appropriate contents about the topic that the author trying to discuss. As shown in the body of this article that the writers introduce and explain each technique with the scope of the law and then make an individual part of discussion. Make the reader easily grasp the point of the writer.
As for the goal of the article, there are no specific words or sentences related to that, however, it is much easier to analyse the significance and importance of the paper, which give rise to the attention of protecting consumer’s rights. According to the article, the four main consumer protection techniques applied in European contract law are not practically useful for consumers, in that sense, this article is meaningful for not only legislator, but the ordinary buyer in everyday life to call for the promotion of the legal provision and enhance people’s awareness of protecting their own rights when doing consumption. In my opinion, this goal of the paper is significant to the nowadays developing business

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