
Consumerism Is Not Harmful At Times

Decent Essays

Consumerism, the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable: a preoccupation with an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods, has been increasing over the last few decades. Although many individuals feel that the increase of can be hurtful to financial wellness, this is not always the truth. The consumption of goods and services is what allows the economic markets to flow freely and thrive as well as survive. Not to say that induvial consumerism is not harmful at times as it can be if the individual creates mountains of debt that may bury them financially. The purpose of this report is to explain how consumerism affects the economy, the individual as well as what the future may hold for consumerism. “Each time that a person buys something, it typically depletes a store of goods. This signals for more production of goods…” This is what consumerism is about, every time an individual makes a purchase the place where they make the purchase, more times than not, will replenish the item that was sold. This repurchase then trickles down to yet another cooperation that sells the merchandise to the store, in fact they service hundreds or thousands of stores who perform the same task of ordering and reordering. This second cooperation also employs individuals who have families and depend on a paycheck. So all the companies that this second company services reorder, possibly creating a demand for them to hire more employees. Let’s take this a

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