
Consumerism Vs Consumerism

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Business, are one of the most crucial aspects of capitalist society. They preserve and grow the economy and so the desires of the individuals who are wealthy enough to afford its luxuries. Among business, consumerism has played a significant position of middle-class development and economic growth. As stated by Coleman. S (P.1), “Consumerism is the culture or ideology of excessive consumption of material goods or services”.
The modern-day market is significantly diverse with brands, goods and services by corporations who use the exploitation of mass consumerism to lure young and old audiences into mass purchasing. However, should the public really be purchasing the majority of the goods and services that are offered to them, living smaller and simpler instead for their own financial wellbeing?
This presentation will investigate into the consumeristic life of millennial individuals by studying and documenting what young individuals purchase, how consumerism strategies from corporations influence them, the damages of unnecessary consumerism and how all individuals can improve their financial wellbeing.
While many young individuals are taught throughout their education on how to budget their finances and to consider what they purchase, many in fact, ignore these important life lessons. Peterson. H (P.1) claims that,
“Starbucks remains the perennial favourite among all teens for food-and-drink spending. Food accounts for 23% of teen spending, followed by clothing (20%),

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