

Good Essays

A Reality Check: Contagion versus the real world The idea of a superbug sweeping the world has long fired up people’s imaginations, the 2011 movie Contagion is one manifestation of such fears, albeit a pretty scientifically-accurate manifestation. While the film certainly depicts a “worst-case scenario,” where an unknown and highly-contagious virus that is difficult to grow in a lab infects millions of people around the globe, it carefully works with the technical details, providing a plausible situation. First, we must consider the nature of MEV-1, the fictional virus Contagion focuses on. To quote Dr. Mears, an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer in the movie, “the wrong pig met with the wrong bat,” creating the superbug, which is quite …show more content…

Because the actions of public health organizations such as the WHO or the CDC are complex and multifaceted, the details of which would require a lengthier essay, I will focus on the vaccine, from development to distribution, as illustrated in the film. Although the movie centered around one laboratory, the movie referred to nations quickly sharing information and samples amongst each other, which happens in real-life pandemics, as countries want to stop a disease as soon as possible. Furthermore, researchers expressed how hard it was to initially investigate the virus, as MEV-1 proved to be difficult to grow in a lab, which is another believable scenario. Some parts of the vaccine development, however, seemed to hold a more tenuous relation with the real world. First, the MEV-1 vaccine took only about 29 days to finish in the movie, while in reality, the WHO (2009) says that the seasonal flu vaccine takes about five to six months to create. Although some may argue that such a serious pandemic would garner numerous resources, expediting the process, it would likely take longer than a month to form a valid vaccine for a virus as tough to cultivate as MEV-1, even if health officials were okay with forgoing clinical trials, which is in itself unlikely as …show more content…

In Contagion, a combination of the lack of active communication from health organizations to the lay public as well as misinformation (spread largely by the Internet) about alternative cures such as forsythia, led to cynicism and mistrust from the majority of people. If this breakdown in correspondence occurred in the real world, a similar scenario would likely result, as people already often tend to form conspiracy theories concerning health. For example, during the recent Ebola outbreak, many people believed that Western medical personnel were bringing Ebola to Africa, rather than attempting to get rid of it, due to a history of corruption (Economist, 2014). Indeed, the most unrealistic aspect of the public’s response to the pandemic was how quickly everyone settled down and stopped committing crimes once the vaccine started

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