
Contemporary South African Racial Injustices And Inequalities Essay

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Contemporary South Africans have to contend with both the outcomes of past racial injustices and inequalities as well as present day racial injustices and inequalities which are a direct consequence of the past (Matthews, 2012). This means that they have to face the continuing effects of socially constructed racism which encompassed economic, political, social and institutional actions that systemized and perpetuated unequal distribution of privileges, resources and power between white people and people of colour with a hierarchical motive in mind (DiAngelo, 2010, p.7). It also refers to the fact that the repeal of racist legislature does not automatically result in changes in the habits and attitudes of people and that the “inertial racism of white predominance” continues at advantage white people at both micro and macro levels (Outlaw, 2004, p. 166 in Matthews, 2012). Obvious responses to these past and present injustices are anti-racism movements which encourage people to challenge beliefs about themselves or the ‘other’ groups (hooks, 1997, p. 167). Anti-racism includes thinking and acting with a specific consciousness, self-awareness, knowledge and skill to challenge, interrupt, and eliminate manifestations of racism within one’s sphere of influence (Derman-Sparks & Brunson Phillips, 1997). White anti-racism involves, amongst other things, white people being against the racial denigration of other groups and unlearning internalized domination (DiAngelo, 2006).

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