
Contents Of A Dead Man's Pocket Analysis

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Approximately three percent of the United States population says that they have had near death experiences, according to the Gallup polls. Near death experiences are often thought of as mystical phenomena, but research is now revealing scientific explanations for virtually all of their common features. Most people who have near death experiences have these three things in common: adrenaline rushes, a change in priorities, and time slowing down. Four sources were given, including Tom Benecke. They all have one thing in common with each other, time slow. In Contents Of a Dead Man's Pocket, Tom Benecke experiences time slowing down when he gets on the ledge and cannot get back in. “He couldn't possibly wait here till Clare came home. It was the second feature she'd wanted to see, and she'd left in time to see the first. She'd be another three hours or--He glanced at his watch: Clare had been gone eight minutes. It wasn't possible, but only eight minutes ago he had kissed his wife good-by. She wasn't even at the theater yet!”. Tom then had to think right then and there what his options were to survive. “He might possibly get to his feet, but he was afraid to try. Already his legs were cramped, his thigh muscles tired; his knees hurt, his feet felt numb, and his …show more content…

Scott Lear’s near death experience he said “now the little things don't matter anymore. If someone cuts me off, no big deal”. This is a change in priorities basically saying the little things that bother you in life have nothing on waking up in a hospital and being as lucky as he was. Scott and his driver were the only survivors of the explosion. Although Scott jokes around about it today, the accident still plays a big part in his life. Patrick Daniels was also involved in an experience where his priorities had changed in an instant when his parachute failed to deploy.

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