Visualize being fresh out of high school and having to face the grim responsibility of the real world; more importantly, getting a job. If you're fortunate enough you have the opportunity to continue your education and postpone the reality of growing up. I believe continuing education to be beneficial for everyone. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It helps us build opinions and gives us newer perspectives. Kids have dreams of having a good career when they grow up, but they forget to factor in that if they want a good career, they need a good education. When I was younger I wanted to be veterinarian, years later I wanted to be a radiation protection technician, I never thought
The pursuit of secondary education is worthwhile because it is beneficial in the long run. In the life an individual's career, a college degree will give them the credentials to move to a higher position. For example, a fellow co-worker of mine has built up the work experience that is highly beneficial to a business management team. Even though this
Going to college will set the basis for your career pathway in the future. High school students contemplate that college is not the right choice for them, but there are multiple benefits that come with a college degree. If students decide to attend college, they may considerate it a waste of time and stress. Unlike high school for some, college needs taken seriously. Attending college prepares and gives you knowledge on what to expect when you start the career. Those who attend college are more than likely to get a higher wage job then individuals who decided not to join.
Being a high school student college is a huge thing to think about. College is a great opportunity to makes new friends and open up a whole new chapter in your life. I believe that everyone should go to college, and receive a college degree. College could benefit everyone. The benefits of a college degree are endless. With a college degree you could accomplish anything. You would more likely to get a high paying job, and are able to build a better life for yourself.
I think everyone should get at least some education after high school. Three main reasons why you should go to college after high school is first you more professional when applying for a job, next you can meet more people and socialize, lastly is self discovery.
Dr. Seuss once said “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more thing that you learn, the more places you will go”. This quote was meant to emphasize that the more people learn, the more they will get out of it of life. After high school, students will either go to college or get a job that does not require much of a college degree and work like that for the rest of their life. While some people believe that college is not worth the cost, it can be argued that college is actually worth its cost because of better jobs and the income and college prepares the individual for life because of the challenges college brings.
After high school students have the opportunity to attend a college. Today, it seems like fewer people go to college. People will say “It’s too expensive or I don’t have the time” however that's just not the case, in my opinion, college is worth it because if someone is seeking a long-term job with security, mobility, and pay increase must attend college. Having the degree is better than not having one at all.
Many high school graduates go to college or get a job after graduation. Some people think college is a waste of time and energy. What they don't understand is the benefits of college if you strive to be the best and achieve your goals. Many opportunities can be handed to you if you finish your education. College is worth the cost.
As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college. This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect. Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea for any age student.
Source D states that “education seems to make people happier and healthier,” so it could help the college student do better in college for higher degrees for a career that earns more money. College also prepares young adults to be more mature after graduating, so they can be wiser about having a successful future. Smart choices in an adult’s career or life can be beneficial because their decisions could open up better opportunities for themselves, and their skills in life and career could be improved to become more successful. College graduates said that “their education was very useful in growing intellectually, helping them grow and mature as a person, and helping them prepare for a job or career” (Source
Growing up I didn't care much about going to college if I made out of high school I was fine. Now attending college and learning more and more makes me appreciate how important education is to me. School is very timely and precise everything is done differently. Little mistakes you make can mean a big deduction off your grade.
In today's society a college degree will open the door to many job opportunities. The possibilities are endless compared to those presented with a high school diploma. College gives you a chance to show the world the best version of yourself. They give you the chance to get earn money for doing the thing you love. College degrees are the difference between living comfortably, or struggling paycheck to paycheck. I don't want to struggle, so this is why high school is just the beginning of my education. College also gives you the chance to meet new people from around the country. A lot can happen in fours years. Meeting and interacting with new people could open the door for new ways and passions for learning. The more I learn, the more I enrich my future
Going directly to college after high school can be completely beneficial to one’s life. It is what the government encourages while in high school and can easily be accomplished. By attending college at a young age you can live the infamous college life that so many adults speak of as “the best four years of my life”. These four years can be achieved and should be enjoyed. As a young student, one can have the stamina to attend class with hours on end. As a current college student, I see many adults coming back to college because they have been part of the group that has tried to succeed while only having a high school diploma. The truth of the matter is those high school students that realize that a four-year degree in college can secure a place in life that is acceptable for them will be the ones to succeed; furthermore, these students are the future of America.
Imagine being someone who struggled throughout high school, but is constantly being told they need to go to college. If a student is constantly having problems with their learning, thinking, money, and support, why should they be obligated to continue their education when they are struggling today? The problem today is that people feel like they have no other choice but go to college to be successful. Many people today do not go to college, but get a job and slowly start to become successful. A person can work and gain experience and knowledge, which allows a person to move up. Since there are many jobs today that do not require a college degree, going to college should not be obligated by students after high school. College is not for everyone, and no one should be forced to go.
High school graduates without at least some college under their belts now hold just 18 percent of the good jobs, down 10 percentage points during the same time period,” (Fain 3). People with a four year college degree have gained 55 percent of well paying jobs in 2015 compared to in the nineties where it was lower. Going to college is a good start to help decrease unemployment rates and also increase chances of working well paying jobs. College education can help with getting stable jobs, leading to increased income and better financial support for one’s family.
The one question you hear all the time as a little kid is “what do you want to be when you grow up.” Most children give the same three answers: doctor, lawyer, or astronaut. The adult who asked the question usually replies with a little chuckle underneath their breath because they know what achieving one of these prestigious jobs entail. In today’s world only the elite will ever have a chance of receiving such an astounding career opportunity. Now, looking back at the top three answers given by children, the reality of becoming a doctor or a lawyer is much more likely than receiving the job as an astronaut. Today the qualifications you must meet to be eligible for this career include: exceling in an array of required skills, passing