
Contract Law Case Study

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In order for a law (“bill”) to receive royal accent (approved by the governor general), the bill must pass through the House of Representatives and the Senate. This article will talk about how a law is passed through both houses and become law under difference circumstances, when the government of the day have a majority in both houses, in the House of Representatives and in a minority government. If the bill is introduced in the House of Representatives, the bill must be read 3 times and then be sent to the Senate for debate If a majority of Senators approves the bill, the bill is passed and will receive royal accent. If the Senate rejects the bill, the bill will be sent back to the House of Representatives and the legislative process will start again. If the Senate made amendments to a bill and aggress to it, it must be sent back to the House Representatives for approval. Using the example of the passage of the Workchoices legislation, In 2004, the Howard Government won a majority in both houses. The majority means that the government is able to pass law without the usual the usual situation in which they need to deal with the crossbench members of the Senate to pass a bill. For example, the Workplace Relations Act 2005 (known as Workchoices) was introduced on 2nd November …show more content…

Usually, the government have to compromise with the cross-bench in the Senate to pass a bill because of the proportionality nature of the Senate except in 2004-2007 when the government have a majority in both houses. But in most situations the government cannot do whatever they want because they have to negotiate with Senators. In the 2010 election, Labor won a minority government and the Greens held the balance of power in the Senate. Labor won the support of the Greens in the senate and independents in the house. The system of the Senate makes bills more difficult to pass, but it also act as a final barrier before a bill is

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