
Contrast And Attitude Of American Jews During Ww2

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Comparison, Contrast and Attitude of American Jews in the WW2 The World War II started in the late 1930s. The war mainly affected Europe and Asia the neighboring nations. Following the NAZI xenophobia against the Jews, there was continuous mass murder against the Jews, which forced most of them to migrate to buffer zones and those that had the ability migrated to other continents. The government of the United States had signed a quota with the Austrian government, as a way to take care of the refugees, but the government did not act on the matter until late in 1944 when President Franklin Roosevelt recognized the problem due to the pressure coming from the Jewish community in the United States and some officials that made it possible …show more content…

In 1933, the rise of Hitler Adolf in Germany triggered the widespread persecution of Jews in Europe, particularly Germany. Different Jews all over the continent wished to flee the nations in Europe to escape the political, social and economic oppression in Germany. However, there were few countries that were willing to accept Jews as fugitive in their nations. Under the leadership of Hitler, there were over 6 million Jews that were persecuted all over the world in a bid to eliminate Jews from the face of the Earth (
The American traditional policy hindered the intervention of the American government through restricting the quotas. The quota system only permitted a maximum of 25957 Germans to enter the borders of the United States. In reference to the stock market crisis in 1929, there was a rise in unemployment in the United States leading to the further emphasis on immigration policies of the United States (
After the Shoah (Holocaust) had arrived the American shores, the United States had already joined the World War II. As a consequence of the European Jewry decline in the 1930s and 1940s, the American Jews realized that they were in a position to assist the embattled Jews in European nations. As a consequence, the American Jews, previously ignored as an epicenter of Jewish power, particularly as a spiritual center, was placed in a position where it acted as the leading role in the battle of the interests of Jews (Zola and

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