
Controvery of Creation vs. Evolution in Inherit the Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee

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In Inherit The Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, is about a big trial in a small town, and a controversial Creation versus Evolution debate. There are many characters with flamboyant and powerful personalities. Among them are: Matthew Harrison Brady, and Henry Drummond. Although all of these influential people are powerful, not all of them have the same amount of power, not only over other people, but over themselves as well.
Matthew Harrison Brady is a very powerful, and revered man at the beginning of the playwright, however his power declines as the play continues. At the beginning of the novel, Brady is the most powerful person in the state. From the period he got off the train, to the trial, he was lionized. He heads up the …show more content…

Although many don’t realize it until the end, he is the middle man, and has chosen to take the middle way out of his conflict. He was able to find the right balance of religion and science, which many people lack. He was the growing fish in a small pond, just waiting for his opportunity to eat up Brady, and be the biggest fish in the pond. In the movie, he seems more hated at the beginning, than in the play. In the courtroom, his power shifts for the better. Brady said “I’ve seen what you can do to a jury, twist and tangle them” page 47. This shows how Drummond has power over everyone, even without them knowing it. He just has that sort air about him that tells you he knows what he’s doing, even though he may not win. When he calls Brady up to the stand, the power completely changes. Drummond now has full power over the courtroom, and is making Brady look like a fool. He started bombarding not only Brady, but the townsfolk as well with a barrage of questions. All of them examining their beliefs and lifestyle choices, and others targeting their views directly on Charles Darwin, and his theory of evolution. Among these questions are: How Long Really Is A Day?, and What about his wife? He relates Brady to Golden Dancer, his rocking horse when he was a kid. He tells Cates that Brady is shiny and pretty on the outside, but is really just spit and wax on the inside. A quote that represents how he has power over himself is

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