
Converting Raw Medical Data Into Informative Data Through Data-Mining Tools

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Data Mining, a sub-branch of computer science, involving statistics, methods and calculations to find patterns in large amount of data sets, and database systems. Generally, data mining is the process to examine data from different aspects and summarizing it into meaningful information. Data mining techniques depict actions and future trends, allowing any individual to make better and knowledge-driven decisions.[1][2] In the past few years, research appeared from medical laboratories has converted how we practice health care activities. Leading machines/technologies from the MRI scanner to the small blood glucose monitor are helping us live healthier and better lives. Health information technology produces cost-effective solutions to …show more content…

Methodology: The proposed approach uses ‘Process Mining’ technique, which aims at extracting useful information from health care data or event logs. This Technique will also help organizations to improve their services, manage the data properly and control their processes [4]. The Importance of process mining has proved itself in the field of health care domain in following literature [5-6]. The proposed approach will adopt itemset-tree (An itemset is set of re-occurring items) method to get frequent surgical specimen [7]. I our knowledge the itemset - tree has not been proposed before for such kind of data analysis. Our methodology contains four parts: 1: Data collection: A real medical data (i.e Surgical specimen records) will be collected from any private or public organization. 2: Preprocessing: The acquired data will be preprocessed to remove unwanted information from it, such as, addresses of patients etc.. Then the data will be used for an input for process mining. 3: Discovery of surgical specimen: Process mining will be applied to the database created in the preprocessing step, which extracted itemset of the frequent surgical specimen. 4: Evaluation: In last the

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