
Corporate Governance Codes, Regulatory Environment And Csr Practices

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Introduction Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have been giving attention on not only their return on investment (Kraus & Brtitzelmaier, 2012) but also social issues, which have been threatening the environment as a result of their operational activities (Choi, Lee & Park, 2013). Therefore, MNCs do transform into socially responsible enterprises (Choi, Lee & Park, 2013) or behave in an ethical manner (Kraus & Brtitzelmaier, 2012) as the term called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has appeared. The duties and responsibilities of Board of Directors (BOD) (corporate governance framework) (Stiglbauer & Velte, 2014) in MNCs plays a particularly important role in its transformational process since this process needs to be transparent (Choi, Lee, & Park, 2013). This paper evaluates and examines corporate governance codes, regulatory environment and CSR practices as well as review those codes presenting in the annual report and CSR practices by means of choosing McDonald’s as significant evidence which headquarters and runs its activities in United Kingdom as significant evidence. Some recommendations are provided regarding with its long-term CSR and corporate governance relationships in the final part of this paper.

Corporate Governance McDonald’s, one of the largest restaurant chains, was firstly established in 1940 in the United States. Over 34,000 restaurants around the world are being run every day with 1.8 million employees. Among them, projected three million

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