
Corporations ' Measured Success By Financial Means Essay

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Corporations’ measured success by financial means only undermines the global impact companies can have on society. With the evolution of business into a global market, society requires corporations to emphasize social welfare beyond simple philanthropic contributions. A new initiative called Corporate Social Responsibility blends philanthropy, social initiatives, corporate responsibility, and corporate policy for the overall benefits to various facets of society, including but not limited to investors, employees, and local communities. The traditional interaction between corporations and the communities they serve is simply a business allocating funds to a local charity or non-profit organization. Some corporations choose to make long-term commitments to one cause, for example, McDonald’s Ronald McDonald Houses for families whose critically ill children need care away from home (Nickels, et al.103-104). Although a vast amount of funding can make a considerable difference in research for a cure from a terminal illness and provide the necessary treatment for a patient with a debilitating disease the greater contribution to society is a miss without social initiatives. Money is an inanimate object that although can be used for goods, and services lacks the personal touch to humanity. Professors Lindgreen and Swaen concluded, “As a result, CSR has moved from ideology to reality, and many consider it necessary for organizations to define their roles in society and apply social

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