Cosmetic Surgery Effective Essay Writing/COM/150
Cosmetic Surgery
“She got her good looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon.” Groucho Marx. “I definitely believe in plastic surgery. I don’t want to be an old hag. There’s no fun in that.” Scarlett Johansson. “I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I’d look like without plastic surgery.” Joan Rivers. These are quotes from famous people about cosmetic surgery. Some have had cosmetic surgery and some have not. This essay will look into the aspects of having cosmetic surgery and why people chose to have cosmetic surgery.
What makes people want to have cosmetic surgery? I have found a few different reasons as to why men and women may feel the need for cosmetic
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But people who have had to live with such things as was mentioned not only improve their self esteem, but also physically feel better. Having breast reduction surgery can help a woman’s back to feel better. The breast, if large, can feel heavy and can cause poor posture. It also pulls on the back muscles and can cause tremendous amounts of pain for women. They feel better after the surgery is completed.
Kelsea Henderson who, over several years, has undergone numerous complex surgeries to her back and chest as a result of a rare cancer. Kelsea had her last reconstructive operations in January 2008, was named Homecoming Queen a few months later, and received a full college scholarship before year’s end. She faced repeated adversity, multiple complex surgeries, and seemingly incurable cancer, and yet has triumphed magnificently and now looks forward to what she humbly calls a “normal life.” ( Is there such a thing as too much surgery? Men and women can become addicted to having cosmetic surgery done. After they have one done, they can find something else that they feel needs to be corrected. Or, after having one surgery done, they may feel it was not done correctly and want to fix what they think the problem was. “Some people’s emotions have a really big effect on how they think they look.” (wikianswers) They have a tendency
Thesis: The cosmetic, issues, and beauty. We need to understand every possible outcome while considering plastic surgery
107) Second, magazines geared toward women often run stories focusing on the ordinary woman’s experiences with surgery of the benefits of surgically improving one’s appearance. Also, advertisements typically promote the benefits of cosmetic surgery using gendered stereotypes, with men represented as concerned with virility and professional competitiveness whereas women are investing in aesthetic improvements. Therefore, the idea of personal transformations and self-improvement is not particularly novel but standard approach that has become entrenched in mass media representations of cosmetic surgery (Adams, 2009, p. 108). However, the potential health risks are downplayed and negative outcomes are attributed to the unpredictability of the aesthetic results or poor surgeon selection. More importantly, these frames tend to diverge from the actual surgical experience, which rather being neat and instantaneous, is often complex and painful. Nevertheless, it is the media-mediated frame that dominates the broader social discussion of cosmetic surgery and often reduces it to a consumable lifestyle option as opposed to a complicated medical procedure fraught with potential risks and uncertainties.
Some men and women support plastic surgery because the plastic surgery improves their bodies. For example, people can get plastic surgery for face improvements like eye or chin tucks. Also, there are body improvements like breast implants or stomach tucks. Plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is getting more popular. In the United States, the money people have paid for plastic surgery has increased from 2000 to 2005 in the number of
Thesis: Plastic Surgery has been a problem in American society. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of their body, their looks, or be insecure about any body part because everyone is beautiful in their own way. Problems of plastic surgery include expenses, health issues, and medical malpractice.
If one is considering cosmetic surgery I suggest reconsidering. Research shows cosmetic surgery can be a risky and costly procedure. Society is pressuring people to look more attractive. Media shows actors to be flawless and the public feels that one should be compared to these actors. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular is today’s culture. People are turning to cosmetic surgery for many reasons, some of them are not healthy.
The article “Most People Do Not Have Cosmetic Surgery for Vanity”, by Loren Eskenazi opens up with how the author expresses her views about women and their personal choice of having cosmetic surgery. Eskenazi’s article argues that most women do not choose to have surgery for uncertain reasons, in fact, she states they are in search for something more profound. In the article, she deliberates the future of cosmetic surgery and reasons why more and more women have decided to have the procedure done. Eskenazi have performed roughly ten thousand surgeries and undergone three procedures herself. Eskenazi’s article present valid, cited facts to support her argument.
In today society cosmetic surgery has become more and more common. Some people see this operation as a way to improve their appearance. Often caught up in the advantages of plastic surgery such as boosting their self-image, and/or improving their physical attraction, they fail to realize the negative effects of cosmetic surgery. The truth is cosmetic surgery is not always successful, so people should be ready to accept the risks of this operation, particularly, health diseases, psychology disorders, and economics problem. As a result, cosmetic surgery has more cons than pros and people should be conscious about it.
Plastic Surgery has become a worldwide epidemic in today’s world. The number of plastic surgeries continues to increase since 2010. In today’s day and age, plastic surgery is one of the most popular and requested procedures. Females are opting to have plastic surgery because they dislike their body image. Society has impacted many people by brain washing them to believe that a person’s body has to be perfect. In order for one to be considered beautiful, television and media influence people’s perceptions of beauty.
The psychological outcome from cosmetic surgeries has a relationship with the effect on psychosocial or social parameters involved with one who has undergone cosmetic surgery. These parameters include work, social and sexual relationships. Patients who have undergone augmentation mammaplasty reported an improvement in their sexual relationships. Such patients who had a positive outcome from there cosmetic surgery procedure had increased self esteem therefore resulting in more social interaction. A study showed patients receiving a breast reduction taking a comprehensive psychosocial assessment before and after their surgery. Of the 33 patients who completed the survey, 20 patients were operated on and 19 were reassessed. Post surgery patients expressed high levels of satisfaction with
In a society so consumed by the ideology of beauty, it makes sense as to why so many women these days undergo cosmetic surgery. The definition of beauty has long been obstructed and changed. In the past, if you look at the woman, you will see they are curvy, during this era being thin meant you were poor where as a beautiful and wealthy woman would be plump because she could afford fine dining. As society has changed, being slender has become the new trend, creating the idea that in order to be truly beautiful one must be thin. The movie stars in Hollywood, although most people realize the beautifying changes that are made to the pictures, this idea of 'beauty ' and 'desire ' still lingers in the mind of whoever comes across it. Our society is bombarded with several different ideologies of beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beauty standards that have been set should not be what are shaping people around the world and influencing them to go through with plastic surgery. The use of plastic surgery has changed from a medical procedure used to reconstruct the wounded or people with birth defects to reconstructing something people do not like about themselves. Plastic surgery was used during WWI in 1910 and after the war, skin grafting grew. The first training program in the United States was in 1924 thanks to Dr. John Davis. In 1950-1959, plastic surgery was used broadly to repair cleft pallet. It wasn’t until about
In cosmetic surgery, you can get hurt emotionally as well. You can be unhappy with the outcomes of the surgery. Allison A. (2008) states that people can get depressed before and after surgery because there is never a 100 percent chance of being satisfied with appearance. There is always something, one little thing that bothers you. Because of the Hollywood figure that
Sophia Loren once said, “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”Cosmetic surgery is enhancing, not improving the function, a person’s natural beauty through surgical procedure. Cosmetic surgery used to be for mostly the rich and famous because of its cost. Although, it is still not covered by health insurance, it has become affordable, making an option for almost anyone who which to alter their appearance. Some of the most popular surgeries are facelifts, brow lift, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty(nose), tummy tuck, and liposuction. Although cosmetic is marketed as safe by surgeons, it is unnecessary because it is not forever, it can become addicting, and there are many risks associated with it.
To sum up, plastic surgery is aimed to make humanity look better. Thousands of people have these operations performed each year. However,
We live in a society where people worship beauty. As far as recorded history people have gone to extremes to seek beauty. From foot binding in China to wearing strangulating corsets in Victorian era. People from different race and culture have experimented in every way possible way to look beautiful prior to this popular age of plastic surgery. It’s very common to hear people complain about their appearance, whether it’s their crocked nose, thin lips or flat chest. Remarkably, plastic surgery has been the solution for people who complain. Most people tend to think of plastic surgery as only cosmetic surgery and not as reconstructive surgeries. Plastic surgeries seems to be an invention of modern technology; however its roots lie in the ancient history of India. An Indian surgeon contributed towards the establishment of plastic surgery, it was intended to correct physical deformities acquired during birth, accident, disease or war. These surgeries did not gain the popularity it has today until the First World War. It was during the late 60’s, when doctors started realizing the endless possibilities of plastic surgeries. With the help of this surgery a trained surgeon can replace an amputate body part, remove skin cancer, get rid of unattractive scars and visible birthmarks or rescaling a nose or enhance body parts. Today more and more people from different age groups opt for plastic surgeries to obtain dramatic physical changes. These surgeries were envisioned to restore
Have you ever considered having plastic surgery? After reading this paper you might want the surgery or you might not. Plastic surgery, a form of art, can reconstruct your body and renew your confidence but can you accept the risks involved?