Cosmetic Surgery
Have you ever thought about having cosmetic surgery? Everyone is different and some of us may want to look a different way. We are all given different features that we might love or maybe even hate. Cosmetic surgery is made for most people that want a change in their appearance. In our recent times beauty and wanting to look young is the most common trend and the causes for cosmetic surgery. The highest percentage that takes part of this surgery of course is women. Cosmetic surgery has a surprisingly history many people are not aware of. For example, the first breast implants actually included beeswax, vegetable oil and paraffin. Dr. Varaztad Kazanjian known as “Founding Father” of the modern plastic surgery during the
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By creating a more perfect appearance of the way they want to be.
For example, many people go for the more common surgeries. Such as nose surgery, breast implants or reductions. Nose surgery is usually done on a patient that does not feel comfortable with the way their nose actually looks. Some reasons for this might be because it is too big or maybe they think it is not perfect in any other way. Just like women or teens get breast implants or reductions. Sometimes they often get breast implants because they feel like they are not comfortable with the size of breasts they have. The reason for this is because they get emotionally and physically affect by seeing other woman’s breasts and they might feel like they are not perfect. Others that get reductions the causes for them getting smaller ones is maybe because they might think they have to many or they just cannot handle having big breasts. Cosmetic surgery benefits them giving them a better feeling of perfection with themselves. Cosmetic surgery is most done on females. Another example of the benefits they get is by getting a surgery they can make their selves feel much younger by the way they look. Some surgeries have a better benefit than just the appearance of making someone feel better. For example, rhinoplasty can be done to improve someone’s appearance but can also make in impact in correcting breathing problems. Cosmetic surgery provides people by boosting up their self-confidence; it can also give
Plastic surgery is the first thing people would think of when they’re feeling down on what they look like. For many people, plastic surgery is considered to be very beneficial. It could release people from anxiety and allowed them to take on obstacles that they’ve never tried before. Some celebrities on television may look like they’re in their late 20s, but they’re actually in their 50s. Plastic surgery is a treatment that gives aesthetics look or replaces a broken/burned part of a person’s body.
According to Image vision, there are many reasons why a person may want plastic surgery. This may be due to social acceptability, change of facial muscles, aging, removal of scars and moles, skin diseases, change gender, and facial trauma (Michele Nappia Stefano Ricciardia MassimoT istarell, 2016). Over time, the surgery may change the facial features enough that the person's face is unrecognizable. is up to the patient to have surgery. Plastic surgery is related to a complex of social
Thesis: The cosmetic, issues, and beauty. We need to understand every possible outcome while considering plastic surgery
Many feel that self-esteem is something that only teenagers worry about but self-esteem is something that has to constantly be taken care of. When people feel bad about themselves they just are not happy. Moreover when women become older age begins to take its toll. Although some woman view laugh lines and wrinkles as a rite of passage most view wrinkles has a sign of getting older and weaker. So instead of letting nature run its course woman all over North America run to the doctors for major surgery. A face-lift is the most common plastic surgery among older woman. A face-lift is when a doctor makes an incision along the hairline and pulls back on the skin and make it tighter. Thus making a woman appear twenty years younger. Many older women go to this procedure as a fix to make them feel younger and raise their self-esteem. Plastic surgery is not something that just older women turn to woman of all ages in there twenties and thirties also go to plastic surgery for a self-esteem boost. Younger women turn to surgeries like nose jobs, breast implants, buttox implants, cheek implants, collagen implants and liposuction to help make they feel better. Women want to feel more attractive to men so they try to become the unachievable, the Barbie. The perfect Barbie doll-image that woman of all ages strives for. Most people do not view surgery as a major process; they see
If one is considering cosmetic surgery I suggest reconsidering. Research shows cosmetic surgery can be a risky and costly procedure. Society is pressuring people to look more attractive. Media shows actors to be flawless and the public feels that one should be compared to these actors. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular is today’s culture. People are turning to cosmetic surgery for many reasons, some of them are not healthy.
Usually, plastic surgery can be associated with individuals that tend to be self-conscious or have low self-esteem. Acquiring cosmetic surgeries can significantly boost a person’s confidence and self-image. Normally, beautifying procedures are seen to improve psychological damage. Plastic surgery can be beneficial for mental health. Although this may be true, plastic surgery has become an addiction. The perception of beauty should not be held at the hands of surgery.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in the United States 14.6million cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in 2012. Cosmetic procedures range from skin rejuvenation to cleft palate repair. The most popular age range of cosmetic surgeries performed is 40 to 54 years old. Most of us are self conscious about how we will appear in the future. Our self conscious feelings towards our body image affects us psychologically and psychosocially by our own body-self image, sexual relationships, social interactions esteem and self worth. As we age our body dissatisfaction increases and in order to increase our body self image and esteem we proceed to undergo cosmetic surgery procedures.
“Don’t like the way you look? Ready for a quick and easy change? We can help you with one simple cosmetic surgery.” We have all heard or seen advertisements like this on television or in magazines, but why is cosmetic surgery so appealing to people, especially women? Cosmetic surgery is used all over the world to enhance one’s features and make people “happy,” but is it worth it? Is it beauty or is it a beast having cosmetic surgery done? There are many options and things to consider when thinking about getting any kind of surgery. Body image is a huge aspect especially when there is a demand for beauty by society. The cost of cosmetic surgery and the dangers are also something to take into consideration, but there are many positives in getting this type of surgery.
In a society so consumed by the ideology of beauty, it makes sense as to why so many women these days undergo cosmetic surgery. The definition of beauty has long been obstructed and changed. In the past, if you look at the woman, you will see they are curvy, during this era being thin meant you were poor where as a beautiful and wealthy woman would be plump because she could afford fine dining. As society has changed, being slender has become the new trend, creating the idea that in order to be truly beautiful one must be thin. The movie stars in Hollywood, although most people realize the beautifying changes that are made to the pictures, this idea of 'beauty ' and 'desire ' still lingers in the mind of whoever comes across it. Our society is bombarded with several different ideologies of beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beauty standards that have been set should not be what are shaping people around the world and influencing them to go through with plastic surgery. The use of plastic surgery has changed from a medical procedure used to reconstruct the wounded or people with birth defects to reconstructing something people do not like about themselves. Plastic surgery was used during WWI in 1910 and after the war, skin grafting grew. The first training program in the United States was in 1924 thanks to Dr. John Davis. In 1950-1959, plastic surgery was used broadly to repair cleft pallet. It wasn’t until about
One can argue that when one changes their outward appearance, all those compliments the person receives, can change their personality a bit. For example, a person that used to be very self-conscious about how they look would now become slightly more outgoing, because they feel better about themselves. When someone gets more attention from the opposite sex, after having done the surgery, that person would feel happier. Most people use facial plastic surgery for “correcting feature defects or improving the appearance; for example, removing birth marks, moles, scars and correcting disfiguring defects.” (Singh, 1)
In recent years plastic surgery is something that has become a very popular trend, and also where many young people are even lining up for it. Plastic surgery is to reconstruct or repair parts of the body, especially by the transfer of tissue it can be used for treatment of injury or cosmetic reasons. It enhances one’s physical appearance, allowing him or her to achieve a look he or she desires. For example, a women’s buttocks can be enlarged or reduced, or a nose can be straightened or lifted. Many people find themselves changing their bodies and wondering if perfecting their appearance would make life a bit more perfect. Plastic surgery can enhance someone’s level of confidence and boost their self-esteem, but it is something that can have very serious consequences people need to be aware of.
In recent years, it has become very popular to have cosmetic surgery. Over of 120,000 surgical procedures it was estimated that were performed in the UK during 2011. Cosmetic surgery procedures are carried out in women more that men about 9 in every 10 ,and the cosmetic treatments non-surgical, such as Botox, accounting for over 90% of all cosmetic procedures it is even more popular than surgical procedures.(6)
Plastic surgery is not the best choice for anybody because you never know what your final outcome is which Allison A. stated in 2008. Doctors cannot guarantee you will come out successfully from the surgery room. She also said that it is like a game where you do not know if you win at the end of the play. People turn to cosmetic products for better appearances but when it’s not enough or not satisfying to them, they turn to plastic surgery. They never think about the consequences of what they want to look like or the dangers and risks that are involved. Veronica S. (2007) believes that cosmetic surgery is more harmful than it is beneficial. Unnecessary surgery seems to put women in danger for the sake of Hollywood beauty. We all handle healing differently. Some may heal well and some won’t. Hykra (2005) states that if you have pre-existing health conditions cosmetic surgery can be really dangerous. He also reports that people with heart condition, diabetes, or if you are a smoker, or have allergies you may experience complications that others may not.
The first applications of plastic surgery have been over 2000 years ago in ancient India, described “Ayur -Veda ". There were attempts to restore noses from the forehead skin, as it was the custom to cut off criminals for punishment ears, nose and lips. First this type of “operation” appeared in 1450 in a similar way in Italy. There, the Sicilian doctor Branca from Catania took the forearm skin for nasal reconstruction.
We live in a society where people worship beauty. As far as recorded history people have gone to extremes to seek beauty. From foot binding in China to wearing strangulating corsets in Victorian era. People from different race and culture have experimented in every way possible way to look beautiful prior to this popular age of plastic surgery. It’s very common to hear people complain about their appearance, whether it’s their crocked nose, thin lips or flat chest. Remarkably, plastic surgery has been the solution for people who complain. Most people tend to think of plastic surgery as only cosmetic surgery and not as reconstructive surgeries. Plastic surgeries seems to be an invention of modern technology; however its roots lie in the ancient history of India. An Indian surgeon contributed towards the establishment of plastic surgery, it was intended to correct physical deformities acquired during birth, accident, disease or war. These surgeries did not gain the popularity it has today until the First World War. It was during the late 60’s, when doctors started realizing the endless possibilities of plastic surgeries. With the help of this surgery a trained surgeon can replace an amputate body part, remove skin cancer, get rid of unattractive scars and visible birthmarks or rescaling a nose or enhance body parts. Today more and more people from different age groups opt for plastic surgeries to obtain dramatic physical changes. These surgeries were envisioned to restore