
Counseling Career Research Paper

Decent Essays

Career of Counseling

The career someone picks is what they are going to do for the rest of their life. Counseling is an astonishing career choice for people who want to aid people mentally, deal with their emotions, and make a difference in their community or even in the world. In society, people do not realize that, according to the anxiety and depression association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. They affect forty million adults in the United States age eighteen and older and one in every eight children under the age of eighteen (“Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA”). The mental health in the world is getting worse each and every day because …show more content…

In counseling, the power is helping people and saving them from cutting or even attempting suicide. Through situations, wisdom builds up; therefore, to have the right wisdom, the counsellors have usually gone through traumatic experiences that can relate to other people's experiences. When someone has gone through something or watched someone else go through it, they usually know how to give the advice and what advice to give them. It is easier to help people when they understand what other people are going through and what they are feeling. For example, if someone has not gone through anything huge in their life, then they would not know that a lot of people have fake smiles and they are really emotionally destroyed inside. They really need someone to reach out to them. The people feeling like this don't usually apprehend why nobody is really reaching out to them, but they do not realize that they are trying to cover it up with the "fake smiles" and the "I am okay's". Anyway, wisdom gives the power of giving great advice. Helping everyone has an amazing feeling. For some people they get an amazing feeling everyday at their job of being a …show more content…

Most good counsellors have gone through many themselves and they have the wisdom from their situations. Also, counsellors have to love people and they need to want to help them with their struggles. In addition, they need to know how to give advice in many ways that certain people will understand. Furthermore, this requires them to know how to read people. These all require people skills. They have to be patient and loving with everyone. Everyone has their own problems. There just needs to be people to help others appreciate

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