
Counseling Profession Journal

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Journal Article.
The counseling profession, to me, is a call rather than a profession. It is so because you have to build a personal human relationship described in counseling jargon as a therapeutic relationship. This is gaining full trust and acceptance from your client, which intends allows your client to be more open to disclose most of his/her secrets to you. That is the things that are buried deep inside his person.
When I look back into my life, and taking consideration of all my classmates, I can conclude that I am entering the full counseling profession at a more mature age that most of them. I have to state here that there has been great progress that I have encountered as a counseling student of South University. All my Professors have impacted me in one way or the other.
The areas that I have experienced the most growth include, multicultural counseling and relationships, counseling, assessment and research, and ethics in counseling. In my country, there are two major language grouping and culture derived from the colonial masters, the French and the English. Those from the French speaking area are the majority and their culture is dominant. Therefore, I do understand the effects and feelings of the …show more content…

I came to understand and accept what gender means in the American context and how this influences counseling and the ways of life in the communities that I will have to serve in. To be honest my first cultural shock was when I have I clear and scholastic definition of the LGBT community. My culture, from my country Cameroon, does not and may be shall not accept LGBT in the nearest future. That a woman or a man should be in an intimate relationship is a taboo in my culture, now I have understood how life is organized in this community and come to accept them for who they are. I am sure I can work comfortable with members of this community while still respecting my cultural

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