
Counter-Argumentative Essay

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In 2012, the Times (paywalled) ran a headline that was, for want of a better word, false. “Breivik played video games for a year to train for deadly attacks”. This headline is an outstanding example of the news media’s quick reaction to Breivik’s opening statement of his high profile trial. What the press has failed to report however that is the direct quote from the yet-to-be-proven psychopathic serial killer responsible for the calculated shooting-spree death of 77 Norwegian civilians in 2011. Not only do such headlines like these stir opinion and controversy, they do so based on misguided information. This shocking approach to reporting such a tragic event with strong blame aimed at video games re-opens debates. Again, the reporting of video games’ correlation to violent events continues a tradition that had and continues to haunt the video game industry ever since more graphic and realistic games entered the home, such as Midway’s own Mortal Kombat in 1992 and Sega’s Night Trap, 1993. It was these two titles which were responsible for the enforcement of a rating system, finally settling in 1994. Later, in 1999 shortly following the Columbine High School …show more content…

Counter-argument articles spawned quickly online, however, the articles trickled through newspaper opinion pieces. What was consistent, however, was the blame on video games as a whole, rather than World of Warcraft or Modern Warfare as stand-alone titles. Just as they did with the Columbine shootings, it was video games as a whole that took a large part of the headlines, rather than the title Doom. This is seemingly unique, when compared to the controversies surrounding the aforementioned book ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ and film ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Perhaps as time progresses, so too shall the entire medium of ‘games’ become broadly understood, as have ‘books’ and

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