
Country Risk Analysis of Nigeria

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Executive Summary

This project focuses on existing problems, importance of efficient the country risk of Nigeria. In this regard we have identified their culture, people, economy, investment, opportunity, some key problems like Corruption, bureaucracy, piracy, Counterfeit, Criminal activities and fraud, legal safeguards etc. This paper also intends to show the regulatory framework issue, micro economic and macroeconomic issue to give a detailed picture of the Nigerian business Risk.

But there are also upside risks especially to inflation, which could create challenges for Nigeria given emerging constraints (infrastructure).

Nigeria is still today a prosperous country, and although they have had their downfalls, they have had many …show more content…

And the damages it has done to the polity are astronomical. The menace of corruption leads to slow movement of files in offices, police extortion tollgates and slow traffics on the highways, port congestion, queues at passport offices and gas stations, ghost workers syndrome, election irregularities, among others. Corruption is one of the most common problem in everywhere in the world. Some where its acceptable and some where it crosses the boundary.

In Nigeria, researchers indicate that the following sectors are among those most affected by corruption: * Police and law enforcement * Judiciary and legal profession * Power sector * Tax and customs * Health and education * Land administration * Public Procurement which seems to be a major concern across most sectors
Here we are discussing about the corruption in Nigeria. There are some major points that show how much corrupted Nigeria is. These are location, accounting standards, anti-corruption policy credibility and enforceability, cultural difference, political leadership, political change and at home.

This is because if it pays bribe in a particular country then it has to pay bribe in the neighboring country. Nigeria is a bribe accepting nation. Any company or multinational company cannot start their businesses without bribe. Now if any company started their business in a country where bribe is mandatory then for example other bribe accepted nation also argues for

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