
Creation Myths In Hindu Religion

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Our myth is a Hindu creation myth, titled “In the Beginning and Forever was the One, the Absolute, Iswara”. In this myth, there is a multitude of mini creation myths, from the one and only Iswara, to Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. All of these mini myths center in on the central idea that everything has come from the one (Iswara) and will return to it, including Brahma’s sleeping and waking cycles, in which the world is either materialized or absorbed back into Iswara, completing the cycle every time Brahma sleeps and wakes.
This specific creation myth is one out of many from the Hindu religion, and is told in many different ways. Hindu myths frequently stress about cycles, and how everything begins, and has to end somehow, and our myth was no exception. To dive deeper into the overall meaning of the myth, one has to learn more about the religion, and also the key themes of Hinduism. Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion, centered …show more content…

A creation myths in that religion has become a story that not only has entertainment value, but also something that teaches us the values of life. In this case, our creation myth gave us a big insight on the meaning of life as a whole, because through the display of cycles, it tells us that nothing is permanent. This moral applies to life as a whole. Life is incredibly precious, and is infinitely short compared to the age of the universe. Pretty much everyone is aware of that, and yet, why are there still people out there willing to destroy their fellow human’s lives, and why is there still racism, poverty, and fighting in the world, when it is explicit that our petty existence will be nothing but a flash in Earth’s

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