
Creative Imagination In The Illustrated Man By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

The scientific novel The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury collects 18 different stories and shows certain common themes in order to reflect real life concerns and problems during World War II in the 1950s. Ray Bradbury uses an overall serious narrative method in this novel to introduce the illustrated man as a storyteller for telling a clear moral point of view. The creative imagination as one of them, which related to most of the story. It points out the dangers of imagination for children and society and the power of imagination for achievement life goal. Ray Bradbury disputes that the creative imagination will always appear based on different situations; therefore, positive experiences stimulate imagination, while negative experiences of imagination lead people to lose control. Ray Bradbury argues that positive experiences strengthen people’s conviction in order to reach the goal in life. In the story, The Rocket, after father and children “take off” from the Earth and start to travel the space. They are so excited about seeing the Moon and the Mars, “The moon dreamed by meteors broke into fireworks [...] ‘there’s Earth!’ ‘There’s Mars!’” (277). The father and children fall into their imaginations by traveling in space. Children shout “There’s Earth! There’s Mars!” which shows their initial dream about what the Earth and Mars look like. Although they have never seen the Earth and Mars from the space, they use their positive and creative imagination to create

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