
Creative Writing: Cuddling The Baby

Decent Essays

It was a cold unearthly night and the mother could barely keep herself warm let alone a four day old, fair skin little blue eyed girl. The misery in her eyes as she couldn't decide what to do. As Elizabeth walked closer a vast blanket of white hung heavy over the building, the smell of jet fuel, automobile exhaust, and hot tarmac combine to assault the senses with images of exotic escapes and the kind of freedom that can only come from airports. What freedom would come for her, she would forever be riddled with guilt and consumed by these moments for the rest of her life.

Cuddling the baby all she can think is the what would be the best decision for this newborn. Elizabeth was a woman of decisions but who was she to determine the fate of a life that has barely even open it's eyes, as the baby suffered in the cold beginning to cry from the weather and being food deprived. The child …show more content…

As she shrieked out to God, Elizabeth became resentful and got angry with God because she couldn't understand how he had left her in this dreadful tie of need. "What God would let this happen to me " she cried. Now with her and the baby crying people noticed her and stopped to ask her if she was okay with what was happening, she cessation to different people boarding the flights and asked if anyone could possibly help her.

As thoughts flooded her mind, she began to make irrational ideas. The day had been simply dark and overcast, but in seconds it became a wall of water, the covering on the buildings did nothing. As the heavy rain drops hit the little girl in the centre of her head, the drops running down her face following and mimicking the tracks of where her dry tears once ran .

Elizabeth paced as if her brain was being shredded from the inside. She tried to hold the little girl, to calm her, even as her own tears fell thick and fast but in hysteria she was too upset, too hungry and too

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