
Creative Writing: Sky Blue Essay

Better Essays

There is boy, and there is a girl, and there is a wretched, wretched world.


Once upon a time, they ruled the world —

A world where the hallways cleared for the two of them; they danced, side by side, underneath the limelight of a chandelier, glowing down upon the elegant ballroom - they held hands, and Massie had lifted her white dress, spinning around effortlessly, as if dancing with him was meant to be. There were flowers on the sides of their respective schools, and days when she had felt as though nothing could go wrong - everybody had stated that they were the perfect couple, that the two of them were meant to be, forever and always.

In a way, she used to believe that too, all the way back then, though, when everything …show more content…

It sputters, glowing, and then comes to life, a single scarlet teardrop perched tenuously above her singed fingertips. She stares at the match as though it is a scented candle, still burning, but just barely. The wax is pooling at the bottom, cooling quickly to form a new mold. It completely ruins the aesthetics of the candle. (Just like he completely ruined her life, basically.)

Massie falls upon the comforting cement, staring at the starless night sky, the meteors and the comets moving at astronomical speeds, magic that could only come from perfection; tonight, though, they have all been blown out. There is this empty ache, the silence, the never-ending silence, that threatens to destroy every thought, every hope left in this desolate city. She is lying still, extending her hand upwards as if she can still reach past the stars, pulling them all back down to her heavy heart; she believes that the normal nights have past long back —on normal nights, he would have come. He is not here though, he is not anywhere to be found, as another heart calls, far, far away from this city, far, far away from her; she has let him go.


There is a girl, and there is a boy, and the odds are not in their favor.

It happens in the middle of a bowling alley - of all places for something like this to happen.

Massie stares down at milky white pearls that form on the edges of her glass and

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