
Credit Union Case Study

Decent Essays

• The efforts and dedication to the Hispanic growth strategy is reflected in the percentage increase shown in the Credit Union Growth Stage. The score increased by 20% since the last time the HON assessments was completed in 2016.
• Based on Coopera’s Best Practice Index, Kern Schools Federal Credit Union is at 62% which is within the Emerging stage.
• The efforts around the Hispanic Growth Strategy have been more prevalent than years past. Such efforts are driving growth, momentum and the credit union’s leadership is confident they will continue to rise in the trajectory.
• Michael acknowledge the low response rate does not help their score. He would like to see this increase for next year’s HON assessment.
• Coopera sees the response …show more content…

• Have received comments from members saying they are taking their money but they are not lending them money. They will be exploring possibilities. Is we are taking alternative forms of ids then we should be doing the same with the lending.
• Some staff members are still unsure of the growth the credit union has experienced in the last couple of years. It would be a good idea to share HMA numbers with the staff as part of their onboarding process. Jaime and Coopera will finalize the staff training materials to make them available for their staff.
• Overall, the cultural buy-in has progress since the first HON.
• The Board of Directors has shown interests in Hispanic Growth Strategy as well. They have also acknowledge the lack of diversity within their board and it’s an issue. The Board of Directors should strive to be presentative of their membership.
• Kern Schools FCU would like to hire another person to help with marketing and more of the outreach piece.
• Patty suggested that vacant and open positions be filled with a bilingual candidate. The need for bilingual staff will continue to be present.

Hispanic Market Analysis (HMA) Report
• Kern Schools FCU’s Hispanic membership growth has surpass the overall membership growth. You have gwon since the last we did this at the beigning.
• The total number of Hispanic members is close to 61,000 when we include those who are under 16 years of age.
• The

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