
Crime and Youth Care Facility

Decent Essays

AMENDMENTS IN THE JUVENILE JUSTICE & WELFARE ACT OF 2006 (AFFIRMATIVE SIDE/ PRO – FOR DEBATE) Few days ago, the Senate approved on final reading a bill amending Republic Act No. 9344, otherwise known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, in order to improve its implementation. I AM IN FAVOR OF THIS GREAT ACT BY OUR LAWMAKERS. We all know that Republic Act No. 9344 has been intended to protect the welfare of children in conflict with the law, majority of who are guilty of petty crimes such as petty theft, vagrancy and sniffing glue. Prior to the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, children in conflict with the law were thrown into the same prison cells as hardened criminals. Studies show that most of them were …show more content…

The bill aims to amend Republic Act 9344, the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act, passed six years ago. I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF SUCH MOVE BY OUR LAWMAKERS. My stand is not to amend the Juvenile Justice Law but call for its effective implementation instead. Lowering the age of criminal responsibility constitutes a grave breach on the convention on the rights of the child to which the Philippines has ratified and acceded. Our country must always be guided by the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice, more commonly known as the "Beijing Rules", which is a framework to consider in determining the age of criminal responsibility. The Beijing Rules recommends that the minimum age of criminal responsibility "shall not be fixed at too low an age level, bearing in mind the facts of emotional, mental and intellectual maturity." Our opponents contend that the increasing number of children involved in heinous crimes as the primary reason for amending the law. But the results of an online poll on the House of Representatives ' website show that public opinion is on civil society 's side, with the majority not in favor of the amendment. Online House poll shows majority disagree with lowering the age of criminal liability. Asked if lowering the age of criminal responsibility is a justifiable policy, 75 percent

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