(Task 2)
Offences against property
This refers to a wide range of offences which include dishonest offences as well as other offences such as criminal damage. Offences involving dishonest behaviour, include theft, robbery and burglary. “Dishonest offences are provided for by legislation, Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001. This act contains a wide range of offences. It has taken into account changes in technology creating new offences. It also provides for a number of offences which may not have been previously recognised. Examples of offences under the act:
Aggravated Burglary
Unlawful use of computers
Unlawful demands with “menaces”
False accounting
The main 4
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Mr Boyle is being charged with 17 counts of theft contrary to Section 4 of the Theft Act and with seven counts under Section 25 of the same Act. Sgt Michael Fitzpatrick from Kilnaleck Garda Station told the court he arrested Mr Boyle by arrangement. The judge then remanded Mr Boyle on €500 cash bail with strict conditions attached to appear at Cavan District Court on May 28
(Task 3)
Personal reflection The Crime of robbery can have a major impact on all those who participate in it. Victims can be mentally injured for the rest of their lives depending on the nature and how serious the robbery was. In this case I do believe that Mr Jones and his two children who are only aged six and three were absolutely terrified when they when they played the hostages in this horrific crime. The three were tied up and bundled into the back of dirty freezing van for five hours, their conditions were terrible, “the children were forced to go the toilet inside the vehicle as they were not given the dignity to go outside”. Being the victim can be very terrifying and in a lot of cases you can see resistance from some of them, in this situation one of the children were able to address a driver nearby of what was happening. The people who were kidnapped were not the only victims in this case however, Ms Hall had to deal with the heavy load that she has to steal from her work at the Bank of Ireland to save her family, that if she did not do so that it would
Assignment 2: Effects of crime and how the public services support victims and witnesses of crime
illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence. Individuals and organizations
Rob commit the crime of kidnapping and false imprisonment of Marcia and Margaret. In fact by Rob coming to the bank, displaying a weapon and ordering the teller to place money in a bag Mr. rob commit a federal crime. In where Mr. Rob could face harsher punishment. The harsher punishment the Mr. Rob could face just for robbing a bank would be twenty years in federal prison, a maximum fine of ten thousand dollars or both. However, if Mr. Rob commits a bank robbery and kills a hostage, Mr. Rob could face harsher punishment. In where Mr. Rob could face life in prison or the death sentences. Mr. Rob also committed additional crimes during the bank robbery. The crime that Mr. Rob committed was false imprisonment and kidnapping in where Mr. Rob forces
Property crime is a classification of crime that includes, among other crimes, burglary, larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism. Property crime only includes the taking of money or property, and doesn’t involve force or intimidation of force against a victim. An example of property crime would be “A supermarket worker who was jailed for stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds of Asda gift vouchers "amassed a fortune" which she
By The Waters Of Babylon is a short story written by Stephen Vincent Benet in 1937. The story is told by a man named John is the son of the priest, the story is told in the future after the destruction of industrial civilization. In the story John lies to his father and tells his father he is going on a spiritual journey but in reality he is going to the homes of the dead. The homes of the dead, is a place which is forbidden to everyone except for the priests. Moral of the story John states that ‘ we must build again ‘ once he becomes the head priest.
* Burglary, larceny, theft of trade secrets, theft of services, arson, receipt of stolen goods, forgery.
This provision outlines a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment if found guilty of deliberately and negligently choking, suffocating or strangling an individual to the point of significant harm. It further outlines a maximum penalty of 25 years imprisonment if found guilty of committing such act with additional
This is a another case of a slippery slope, if law enforcement starts violating civil liberties to obtain a conviction then the United States becomes like other countries that doesn’t have a democratic process. The law is the law and it is not meant to be subverted for what may be perceived for the great good of the community or the country. We set the standard and expectation of the constitution and the laws that are written. Law enforcement enforces law no matter the situation, and these law should not be violated even if it is considered for the greater good of the people.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program property crimes are crimes such as burglary, larceny-theft,
This essay will argue that the Criminal Justice System (CJS) in England and Wales doesn’t provide justice for all. In particular, the institutionally racist nature of the police and courts towards Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BAME) will be addressed. The ‘Lammy Review’ has been instrumental in outlining the disproportionate representation of BAME groups within the CJS. In a letter addressed to the Prime minister, David Lammy reports the findings from his review. 51% of UK-born individuals from BAME backgrounds believe that the CJS discriminates against certain groups and individuals (Lammy,2016). In comparison, only 35% of the white population born in the UK believe the same statement (Lammy, 2016). Thus, choosing to focus on the
I feel that it is the responsibility of law enforcement to be fully aware of search and seizure laws so that a person’s civil rights are not violated. They are always changing, and it is the responsibility of the individual officer and their department to ensure that they are current with the changes. I recently finished my annual in-service and we had a half day dedicated to search and seizure when it came to DUI laws. When an officer violates a person’s civil rights in regards search and seizure, “any evidence derived from that search or seizure will almost certainly be kept out of any criminal case against the person whose rights were violated” (FindLaw, 2017).
In the UK, the law on predicate offences and money laundering (ML) is set out in the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002. Under the POCA (applied from 24/02/03), the Crown has to prove that the laundered proceeds are criminal property i.e. prior to ML taking place a criminal offence under UK law was carried out (predicate offence). The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) defines ML as “the process by which criminal proceeds are sanitised to disguise their illicit origins”. The criminal proceeds being those funds generated from the predicate crime.
The differences between legal rules and other kinds of rules is that criminal law refers to the consequences associated with breaking them. As the substantive law meaning that it is the law of crimes, referring that Criminal law is the code conduct that all in the society need to follow the rule, and the prohibitions on murder, assault, and burglary. Meaning that if an individual violates or commits these crimes they are going to be treated as a criminal by punishing act from the state. Civil law is refers to procedural law to follow the rule of the state from someone that has committed a crime. Which it is divided into 5 categories, for example torts, property, contract, family, and juvenile law.
Argue for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines.
There are 6 different types of crime, which include violent crime, property crime, public order crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and high-tech crime. Violent crimes are crimes against persons, and mainly constitutes murder, sexualt assault, assault and battery, and robbery. Murder is when someone kills another unlawfully. Assault and battery are two separate acts, in which case assault is the threatening towards another that leads them to believe they will be harmed, and battery is the physical act of harming someone.