
Criminological Theories

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What different Criminological theories are out there about what causes crime? The three theories that are being discussed in this paper are the biological, sociological and the psychology theories. There are many reasons a person may commit a crime in their life, it could be because that’s what they have been taught and have seen their parents do, it may be because they want to be cool and fit in with their new friends. These theories all have their own beliefs and thoughts as to why.
The biological theory states that a person can inherit genetic factors that can make them prone to commit crimes (Marsh & Melvilles, 2006). For example: If both your parents are criminals, your chances are higher to become a criminal. The adoption examples are …show more content…

The first one differential reinforcement is when a person teaches someone else to act criminal, which is done through reinforcement good and bad. An example for this would be: Friends may reinforce drug use (Crime Causation, 2015).
The second one is beliefs in which a person has learned beliefs which are “favorable to crime” (Crime Causation, 2015). Most of us have been taught from early on about right and wrongs, yet some people don’t abide by that depending on the issue at hand. For example: We all think it’s wrong to kill a person, but we might feel it’s justified if this person has done something bad like killer people etc.
The third modeling also called ‘The imitation of criminal models’ (Crime Causation, 2015), states that a person behavior functions not only on the reinforcements and beliefs of a person, but also on the people surrounding him or her (Crime Causation, 2015). We act like the people around us in most …show more content…

It’s known that when a person has any type of mental illness including but not limited to drug abuse, depression, schizophrenia are more likely to engage in criminal or violent behaviors (Review of the Roots, 2015).
The most debatable topic within this is the Nature vs Nurture debate. What really makes a person a criminal is it in his Nature or is it due to his Nurture. Some theorist believe that a low IQ can cause a person to become a criminal or even violent, while others argue that is not the case. Nature believes that IQ is genetically given to you while Nurture theories believe it’s something that is learned from social interaction (Review of the Roots, 2015).
For a criminal to be a criminal he or she will have to have seen that behavior from parents, family members, friends etc. Without any of those things a person will have a low chance of becoming a criminal less alone a violent offender. For year’s theorist have tried to understand why a person does what they do, but without looking at the whole picture that answer ay never fully be

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