
Traditional Criminological And Rational Choice Theory

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For decades, criminological theories have been dominated by sociological and political perspectives to explain crime than biological and genetic factors. Not to state that all sociological and political perspectives are flawed, but these perspectives within traditional criminology are not complete and do not offer a full assessment of all the contributions of criminal behavior. This paper aims to offer why traditional Criminology avoids biological explanations, what traditional Criminology attempts to explain criminal behavior, and how Criminology has traditionally overlooked biology and genetics and what the potential consequences may be.
The Classical School, one of the most well-known criminology schools, noted that humans are rational and free thinking to make their own decisions. The Classical School assumed that people understood all of the laws in place and with that understanding, calculates the greatest happiness against the pain of punishment. This theory is known as rational choice theory. Rational choice theory also specifies that all complex social singularities are driven by individual actions. This assumption of the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number is the core concept of utilitarianism. According to Cessare Beccaria, a famous Italian scholar who was a firm believer in the concept of utilitarianism, believed that for a punishment to be effective, it must be public, prompt, and dictated by law. The punishment in no case is more what is

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