
Critical Analysis Of Into Thin Air By Jon Krakauer

Good Essays

When I was first told my class was going to read Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, I mentally prepared myself to read the most boring book I’ve ever read; however, as I began reading, I found myself relating to Scott Fischer, the overconfident guide who thought he had everything figured out. I often feel the same way, like I’ve got everything under control. Often, though, I don’t have everything under control and it backfires on me, just like it did with Fischer in the spring of 1996. I can also relate to Fischer because even when he is hurting and tired, he pretends to be okay and doesn’t let other people know that he’s not okay. Into Thin Air begins when Jon Krakauer is sent by Outside magazine to write an article about the …show more content…

It isn’t until Fischer threatens to jump off the side of the mountain that Lopsang reluctantly leaves him to go get help. Another example of loyalty is Rob Hall to Doug Hansen. Because Hall had turned Hansen around three hundred feet from the top the previous year, Hall was determined to get him to the top no matter what, and he refused to leave his side while doing so. When Hansen and Hall get caught above Hillary’s Step, Krakauer writes “Hall, however, wouldn’t consider going down without Hansen” (241). Even when Hall was told he wouldn’t survive if he didn’t leave Hansen, he stayed with him tried to help him on the descent. When Hansen dies, the climbers can tell how much grief Hall feels when he doesn’t mention his name again after saying he is gone. A final example of loyalty is between Scott Fischer and his clients on the mountain. Because he allows them to climb at their own will, they get into trouble, which results in Fischer running up and down the mountain to help and rescue them. Then, on summit day, he is extremely tired and ultimately puts himself in great danger because of it. In the end, one of the main reasons Fischer dies is because of his loyalty and willingness to help his clients when in danger. The theme of loyalty in the book helps the reader form an attachment The way in which Krakauer portrays himself makes the reader view him as an accomplished climber with enough confidence, while still giving him sympathy for that

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