
Critical Appraisal And Its Impact On Nurses Essay

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Critical appraisal is the process of critical and systematical assessment of the outcome of a scientific research to judge its trustworthiness, dependability, confirmability, value and relevance in a particular context. Qualitative research is a methodical subjective approach used to explain lived experience, report the significance and nursing implications for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Grove, Gray and Burns (2015). This writing will focus on identifying the components of a qualitative research process and attempt to determining the strength and weakness. It will also evaluate trustworthiness, credibility, meaningfulness of the research article “Impact of certification on certified perioperative nurses; A qualitative descriptive survey” (Schroeter, Byrne, Klink, Beier and McAndrew, 2012, p.35).
Type of Research This is a phonological descriptive qualitative research that try to “fully describe, explain, and examine the phenomenon of certification and its impact on nurses” (Schroeter et al., 2012, p.36). According to Grove, Gray and Burns (2015) the level of this research would be placed in the last but one levels of research evidence. It is a single qualitative descriptive study as mentioned in the tittle of the article. The purpose of this article is repeated in a couple of paragraphs in the study. Page 35 and 36.
The introduction section of the article indepthly explained and provided supported data from the Certified Credential Institute (CCI), the body

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