
Reflection Journal On Critical Thinking For Nurses

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Reflection Journal on Critical Thinking for Nurses Critical thinking is defined as a disciplined, self directed thinking that meets appropriate intellectual standards within a particular mode or domain of thinking (Paul and Elder, 2014). In Nursing, the possession of this important skill helps a nurse to assess a given situation, identify the main problem, determine a perfect solution and implement an effective method of dealing with the problem. In this essay, I will share my experience when I was still a novice in the nursing profession and how my understanding of critical thinking has radically transformed, the importance of critical thinking skills in this profession and useful ways on how to develop this specific skill. I was working night shift in a level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit facility and my 10 days orientation was over. It was my first day working without my preceptor. Since I was a new staff, the charge nurse allocated two stable babies for me. One was Baby Zahra, a 33 weeks preemie, on room air, with nasogastric tube, with peripheral intravenous line to keep the vein open and feeding with expressed breast milk every 3 hours. I started my shift with a bit of nervousness knowing that I am on my own and wondering if I can remember everything that my preceptor had taught me during our orientation. I started my assessment and observed Baby Zahra to be pale, her skin was slightly mottled. I checked her vital signs. The cardiac monitor showed that she

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