The Modern Mouldings current wired infrastructure will be appraised based on the following qualities. Speed, Topology, Scalability, Cost, Reliability and Availability. Speed: The speed of the network depends on how the network is built amongst other factors. The 10 base5 backbone infrastructure has a transmission speed of 10Mbps. The backbone is connected using bus topology, the bus being a shared medium causes all nodes to share the maximum data rate, depending on how many users are trying to access the network at a time (Frenzel, 2009). This means that the maximum aggregate throughput is 10Mbps. Furthermore, the use of hubs and repeaters puts all the nodes on the network in one large collision domain and because hubs and repeaters do not learn mac addresses they encourage broadcasts which takes up bandwidth that could be used to transfer frames. In addition all nodes on the network operate in half duplex mode. With half-duplex transmission, a node cannot both transmit and receive at the same time. If two nodes try to transmit at the same time it leads to a collision and the two packets are discarded. All these factors serve to slow down the network. Topology: The current network was able to mix different speeds to match departmental needs. The physical topology in use is linear bus topology which also translates to a logical bus topology. The cable in use being Thicknet gives extended length allowance which is 500meters for a given segment and 2500 meters total cable
Cost effectiveness. The kernel will result in quantitative network efficiency improvements and diversity. The diversity of the kernel provides for updates as needed. Evaluation, development and validation of network
This assignment will be mainly about network components and how do they operate, what are their functions and what are their flaws.
Fiber optic cables will be installed and configured on the physical star network topology spread throughout the 600 user network infrastructure. The main equipment that will be used during the implementation of the physical star topology will be the patch panel with an array of RJ-45 female connectors with terminals to connect wires to all the 600 users across the network infrastructure.
6. Why is Ethernet technology more appealing to users than the rest of the LAN technologies?
First, it supports up to 1Gbps, which is a fair speed for the users. Second, the distance does not matter because all the departments’ workstations will connect to the switch that is in the same building. For the cabling between the access and distribution layer, I have decided to use Multi Mode Fiber (MMF) for many reasons. First, there is huge amount of data coming from the switches in the access layer to the 3-layer switch in the distribution layer, and the MMF cable can deal with heavy traffic data. Second, since that MMF speed is 10Gbps, that makes the 3-layer switch receive and send the data faster to the switches in the access layer. Third, the distance between the switches in the access layer and the 3-layer switches in the distribution layer is less than 2 km. For the core layer, I have decided to
10. A customer ordered a full T1 leased line between two sites. The telco implemented that leased line in its network using the T-carrier technology discussed in this chapter, with DS1, DS2, and DS3 lines plus switches that use time-division multiplexing (TDM) logic. Into which of the following general WAN categories does this service fit?
The hospital’s backbone network structure for the entire hospital is 1000Base T. Some of the other individual sections of the departmental network use different standards such as 1000Base F. The areas that use the 1000Base T are responsible for the
Patton – Fuller community hospital’s network system consist of two major parts, the first part is the executive part that connects the hospitals executive management, human resources department, operations, IT and data center, etc., the first network is connected using a 1000base-T Gigabyte network connection that uses a typical Cat6 cabling (Apollo Group Inc., 2008), the second major part of the network connects the departments of radiology, operating room, wards, ICU’s, etc. using a 1000base F fiber optic based connection, this connection is a
1.It support lower supports 10mbps up to a distance of 100 meters on a 10 BASE-T.
During this section of my blog you would be able to view all the different types of typical services provided by networks and the purpose of each where I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of them all.
Explain the terms latency, response time and jitter and describe their effect on overall network performance and on the performance of your chosen organizations network.
You have been hired to upgrade a network of 50 computers currently connected to 10 Mbps hubs. This long-overdue upgrade is necessary because of poor network response time caused by a lot of collisions occurring during long file transfers between clients and servers. How do you recommend upgrading this network? What interconnecting devices will you use, and what benefit will you get from using these devices? Write a short memo describing the upgrade and, if possible, include a drawing of the new network.
To discover if it is beneficial for companies to migrate from their current technologies to Metro Ethernet. People and companies are using internet and it has played a major role in connecting companies, deadlines must be met and this is where the speed of internet plays a major role. Can migrating to Metro Ethernet solve the problem of high speed connectivity?.
Summary : Ethernet has became the most widely access technologies as a result it has more demand by the service provider networks in the market. The market is at an ongoing surge of end customer bandwidth requirements with requirement of more higher bandwidth application like online video surfing , online gaming and soon this is the first problem faced by the service provider networks and secondly the capital for the technology which employs the utilization of higher bandwidth applications as explained above and profits after introducing the technique. Ethernet has been a solution for all the problems discussed above like it is of low cost and flexibility issue and it also support layer 2 and layer 3 devices. Many standardization have been going on by the MEF(Metro Ethernet Forum)and IEEE to determine it’s scalability and other properties one such technique is Ethernet bridging or provider backbone bridging in various access networks. Now a days the service providers core networks are employing the IP/MPLS
The transmission networks need to be utilized ever more efficiently. The transfer capacity of an