
Critical Appreciation Of Slumdog Millionaire

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The Western part of the world is unaware of how extreme poverty is on the East. Slumdog Millionaire makes this clear in the film by showing the different parts of Mumbai and how the whole community basically works together as a whole to stay alive. It is sad to see that the people there live in aluminum shacks with cloth hovering over some of them as if it were like a door. It is also scary to see how the Hindu’s come and attack the Muslims to kill them because of the religious war. Despite these horrific parts, this film brought attention to real life situations which makes it one of the greatest moving movies of all time. Its success is based on many different categories, but its acting skills, plot, and theme really project its accomplishments. The first reason that this film is seen as so well is because of the actors’ skills. The way that the children naturally talk as if it were a conversation and act as if it was just a normal life, was truly unbelievable. In the scene where the children were playing cricket on the airport runway, they were all so happy and excited to be there despite all the circumstances and horrible events that happen within their lives. This is important to see because little kids have such a broad imagination that they do not worry about the events happening around them. One other scene that stood out is when Jamal calls his brother for help on a question, but Latika answers the phone. When he hears her voice, it was like he felt so relieved

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