
Critical Care Nursing Is A Roller Coaster Ride

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Critical care nursing is a roller coaster ride. It has a lot of surprises throughout the day and you never know what is around the corner. Our Critical Care Step-Down Unit here at Davenport Hospital has a capacity of 30 beds (6 private and 12 semi-private rooms). 2 West accommodates a variety of patients such as adult postsurgical, trauma, seizures, renal failure, and myocardial infraction patients. This unit provides care for patient that have been discharged from an Intensive Care unit, but they are not stable and require a high level of monitoring before they return in a general medical surgical floor. Lately our unit has been struggled with staff shortage. It has been weeks that in the day shift there are only 3 register nurses and each of them provide care to 6 or 7 patients. Based on the hospital protocol policy nurse-to-patient ratio in a step-down unit must be 1:4 or fewer at all times. In addition, I am designing this written proposal to seek approval of hiring a new critical care nurse in 2 west step-down unit. The above proposed nursing position will definitely benefit both the unit staff and patient population. The nursing shortage can easily lead to nursing burnout such as fatigue, injuries, and dissatisfaction. Also, nurses that work in such conditions are more predisposed on making mistakes and medical errors. This proposal will definitely benefit the patient who are being treated on this unit as well. According to Huber (2014), “effective staffing has been

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