
Critical Evaluation of Technology at the Service of English Learning in EFL Setting

Decent Essays

In this critical evaluation, I present two recent and influential articles that are relevant to my research interest. The first selected article is a qualitative study conducted by Doe (20XX) and the second one corresponds to a quantitative study by Doe (20XX). The two studies take a close look at ¿technology at the service of English learning in EFL settings? This critical paper takes an evaluative look at the two studies. Each one of the articles will be presented in a way that shows their most significant contributions to this research area. Additionally, I will present my critique on aspects such as research design and data interpretation.

Lee, S. (2012). Storytelling supported by technology: An alternative for EFL children with learning difficulties
Storytelling has been documented extensively as allowing children to develop their expressive language, syntactic and vocabulary knowledge (Ninio, 1983; Whitehurst et al, 1988). Reading picture books has also been found to help children from low socio economic backgrounds (Akhtar et al, 2001; Lonigan & Whitehurst, 1998). This qualitative study is influential and unique because it investigated the use of PowerPoint-designed stories for teaching English to Taiwanese children with learning difficulties. Storytelling is not always beneficial for all children, particularly in the case of students with special educational needs. The fewer pictures present in the story book, the lesser the vocabulary acquisition

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