
Critical Social Theory : Power, Critique And Praxis

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SCS730: Critical Social Theory: Power, Critique and Praxis Assessment Task 3: Major Essay ______________________________________________________ In order to delineate the nature of power and domination in understanding contemporary society, this major essay will provide an advanced critical and comparative analysis of the social theory ideas of Karl Marx, Michel Foucault and Dorothy Smith. Resultant of such analysis, this essay will also postulate how conceptions of power and domination may be used to cultivate practices of emancipatory social change for the enhancement of individual freedoms by including the US Civil Rights and Black Power Movements and the Indian Independence Movement as some of the most significant examples of the operation of power and emancipatory social change since the Romantic period. Predominately, a product of the preceding Enlightenment era, the social theorist and political revolutionary, Karl Marx, lived from 1818 to 1883 and was born and educated in Germany where he studied law, philosophy and history (Siedman 2009). In 1843, Marx migrated to Paris. In 1847, Marx was commissioned by the socialist group, ‘The League of the Just’ to collaborate with Frederick Engels to write ‘The Communist Manifesto’ wherein he described class struggle as history’s engine and notoriously prophesied capitalism’s demise via a revolution of its working class (Siedman 2009). Marx envisaged a socialist society with few social inequalities yet many individual

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