
Critical Summary Of Young Goodman Brown

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“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne was about a young christian man named Goodman Brown who traveled into the forest with the devil. Goodman Brown was naive man who believed that many of the people in his town did no evil. Leaving his wife Faith behind Goodman Brown set out to his journey into the forest to an unholy ritual.While entering the forest Brown encountered an older man who resembled him who happened to be the devil. Brown a good christian man was reluctant to travel into the dark forest but he let the devil convince him to walk just a little further. As they walked Goodman Brown mentioned his father and grandfather as good men. The Devil then reveals how he saw Brown’s father and grandfather doing unholy things. Throughout their journey Brown sees other townsfolk on the same journey he is on. These townsfolk were people who Brown seen as ideal Christians, including the Minister, Deacons,and Sunday school teacher. Brown is shook at the Christians behavior and is determined to turn back. He then hears his wife Faith’s voice and realizes that she is being initiated at the ceremony. Brown then loses his faith and results to joining the ceremony. At the ceremony a rocky alter is lit with fire where new believers, including Faith and Brown approach. After screaming to heaven and trying to resist Brown finds himself standing alone in the forest. The next morning in Salem, Brown is deeply shaken and doesn't know if his experience was merely a dream or real life.

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