
Critical Thinking Assignment

Decent Essays

Critical Thinking Assignment – Recruitment Case Study To hire or not to hire, this is the question many organizations ask themselves when interviewing applicants, especially if the applicants are similar in skill sets and meet all requirements for the position in which they are interviewing for. Imagine doing a mass hiring of approximate 30,000 applicants. Just because you are doing mass hiring, it does mean that you should settle or expect less in an applicant. To ensure that all applications are reviewed, an organization must implement a plan of action to ensure the organization has obtained qualified applicants; furthermore ensuring applicants are looked at equally according to employment laws. Affirmative Action Strategy
Various factors could potentially affect not only the number of available applicants, but the quality as well. To ensure employment laws are adhered to, an affirmative strategy is strongly encouraged and would include Executive Order 10925 for Equal Employment Opportunity to include main strategies to protect minority groups, whether it is sex, race, religion, or national origin (Aamodt, 2014). The strategy should also include statics around minority groups that are not represented. An affirmative strategy will protect the organization against potential claims and lawsuits against preferential hiring or targeted recruitment. By organizations implementing a strategy and honoring these laws, it will aid in hire diversified employees for

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