
critical thinking worksheet

Decent Essays

University of Phoenix Material

Critical Thinking Worksheet

Chose one of the following scenarios:

You are a member of a group working on a class project. The group members are enthusiastic about the project and arrange a meeting time to begin planning. You forget to mark your calendar and miss the meeting. The group posts a summary of the meeting with assignments and deadlines for the project. You apologize to the group and agree to complete the topic research for the project. You realize you have a paper due in another course on the same day that your research is due, and you concentrate most of your time on your individual assignment. The paper takes longer than you thought, and you are unable to conduct research for the group …show more content…

Some of my strengths is the ability to multitask, communication, and prioritize and multitask enables these tasks to be accomplished accurately and successfully. Life at home has many tasks, taking care of the dog, making sure the house is clean, cutting the lawn, cleaning the cars, fixing the house if needed, daily chores. While working in a team environment whether at school or on the job, the ability to multitask can be a very helpful skill for the group. I work very well with all kinds of people and I understand that everyone has different priorities and objectives. One of weaknesses in the area of reasoning and critical thinking is rationalizing. I tend to start with a position I already know and look for reasons to support it. I also find sources that agree with me without looking at the other ones.

How will understanding this help you in both your academic life and workplace?

By understanding this it will help me in my academic life and workplace, in so many different ways. It will help me be successful and more accurate in what I do. It will help me understand and evaluate situations more clearly not just looking over it but actually paying attention to it. it will help me and guide me to be better at what I am doing. The more people get involved in a work place the more solutions there will be. I know that by understanding this it will help me both in my academic life and work

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