
Critical Thinking Assignment At Cal Poly Pomona

Decent Essays

Critical Thinking Assignment
My name is Alexis Batiste, but most people call me “Lexi”. I am currently a Junior at Cal Poly Pomona. I reside in Long Beach California, but during the school year I have an apartment in Pomona. I am pursing a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. After graduation, my plans are to attend Loma Linda University to earn a graduate degree. I would love to become a specialist in sports medicine as well, but for now my dream is to work with young athletes. I want to help them exercise and treat any injuries that they encounter while playing a sport. I want to help my patients live a healthy life by helping them stay fit.
Question # & Response

8 lines
11 point
Times 10.) There a many types of stressors that one may encounter, but among most people I believe the most common is sociological stress. Sociological stress can be one of the hardest to deal with because it is stimulated from a relationship with another person. This can cause someone to feel extremely overwhelmed and tensed because they do not know how to deal with the situation at hand. I know personally I have a hard time dealing with sociological stressors, especially when it has to do with a person close to me that I care about. I believe most people feel like they are constantly under social stress, which can cause one to feel anxiety, depression or anger throughout the day. Because we live in such a fast paced environment, many can feel sociological stressors. It can

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