
Criticism Of Religion In Brave New World By Leon Kass

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In the World State, technology is given a degree of devotion previously only used for religion. Instead of measuring time in years after Jesus’s birth, time is measured in years A.F. (or years since the invention of the Model T). The image of the cross is replaced with the capital T, which also symbolizes the Model T. In the same way that people used to put unquestioning faith in God or religion, the new World State society puts unquestioning faith in technological progress. This creates a cult based on the material world and pleasure that is the very antithesis of Christianity’s focus on the supernatural and otherworldly paradise. This creates a clear contrast between the ideas of modernity and those of Christianity. In Christianity, the highest, possible values all have to deal with achieving heaven and life everlasting on a spiritual level, and Christianity greatly downplays material or worldly comfort. On the other hand, the Soma addicted, technology-worshipping members of the world state are directly engaging in blasphemy, by worshiping the false (material) God of technology.

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